Land working group Announce

This topic will be used for announcements to the Land working group by the leadership team.

For example, we will announce meetings, workshops and events through this topic. There will not be an email list.

You need to watch this topic to receive new announcements via email notifications

To avoid individuals accidentally spamming the whole group, this topic is closed and only the leadership team will be able to post replies. If you have questions, send a message to the author of the post or open a topic on the forum.

Meetings schedule

You will find below an event for the next Land working group meeting. A reminder will be sent to all participants a day and 15 minutes before the meeting. Please indicate you are going if you would like to receive these reminders.
Additionally, it is possible to download a .ics file to add the event to your own calendar using the ... menu.
Finally, you can see all the Events from the Events page accessible from the left-side navigation bar.

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29 posts were split to a new topic: Land working group Announce 2023 (Archive)


We have a Land Working Group meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday 20 February, 1:30pm.


  • how to work better on community tasks
  • coordinated offline simulations for Australia using JULES and CABLE
  • Experiments with the Working Group resources.

Zoom: Launch Meeting - Zoom


following our last meeting on Tuesday, I have created the following topics:

And do not forget, we are always open for volunteers to present their work at our meetings. Contact @aukkola , @inh599 or @clairecarouge if you would like to present.


Another follow-up from our meeting on Tuesday. There is now a Land/Experiments category to propose experiments.

A template is attached to the category. This means when you open a new topic in this category (or open a new topic from anywhere and set the category to Land Surface and Experiments), the editor will automatically be populated with a template containing instructions on what information is required in each field.

You do not need to fill all fields for every experiment but the more information you give, the easier it is for others to understand if they can use your experiment outputs. Some information might only become available towards the end of the experiment.

I have created an experiment for the ACCESS-AM3 work that is currently underway using the WG resources to serve as an example. The ESM working group has been using this template for a while, so please look at their category for more examples.


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We have a special meeting next week for the Land Working Group meeting. This meeting will focus on the preparation of the hydrology paper in LSMs led by Valentina Marchionni and Siyuan Tian.
The meeting will be on Tuesday 5 March at 1.30pm.


  • Paper introduction (10’)
  • Feedback on the structure (30’)
  • Writing plan: explore contributions and regular meetings (10’)
  • Timeline (10’)

Zoom: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Useful links:


We have a Land Working Group meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday 19 March, 1:30pm.


  • Presentation: Behaviour of the land surface models with changes in vapour pressure deficit. Mengyuan Mu.
  • Evaluation Hackathon: outcome for land.
  • General Working Group administration

Zoom: Launch Meeting - Zoom

Useful links:


We have a meeting next week. You can find the details below and links to add the event to your calendars.

Land Working Group meeting



  • new allocation for the WG project, rp23.


  • Forcing datasets for land surface models for CMIP7. Discussion/survey on ILMF mailing list
  • Start the discussion on multi-site-based tests run through benchcab (@gab):
    – how should summative analyses (multiple sites/variables) be displayed
    – how should individual site analyses be incorporated?
    – how should we represent trunk-branch comparisons, and include multiple model configurations?
    – which analyses do we want that we don’t already have in ?

Useful links:


We have a meeting on tomorrow. Meeting notes from our last meeting are now available.

Land Working Group meeting


  • Any follow-up questions from last week’s discussion on model evaluation.
  • Momentum partnership workshop: looking for interest around operational hydrology and leadership on aspects of land surface model development.

Useful links


The meeting notes from our last meeting are available here.

Our next meeting is next week. See the details below.

Land Working Group Meeting

** For a calendar invite, simply click on the relevant calendar link below **


  1. Working Group Annual Workshop:

    • We have a clash between the JULES annual science meeting and the ACCESS-NRI workshop! Both are during the week 2-6 September.
    • What do we want to do for a workshop?
    • Who would want to volunteer to organise the workshop?
  2. Supported configurations for CABLE: how do we get there?

    • What constitutes a configuration
    • What is currently done
    • What people would like to have

Useful links


A reminder we have the Land Working Group meeting this afternoon.

Land Working Group Meeting

** For a calendar invite, simply click on the relevant calendar link below **


Land Working Group Meeting

** For a calendar invite, simply click on the relevant calendar link below **


The agenda is quite bear, so please come with your topics of discussion.

  1. Working Group Annual Workshop: date.
  2. Training needs at ACCESS-NRI workshop?

Useful links


Please see here for the notes of our previous meeting.

Land Working Group Meeting

** For a calendar invite, simply click on the relevant calendar link below **


This week we have a presentation scheduled:

  1. Urban modelling presentation, Jiachen Lu and Negin Nazarin

  2. Experiment proposal: TRENDY v13

  3. Working Group Annual Workshop: date. The chosen week is during the school holidays. Is that an issue?

  4. Work on implementing Australia-centric datasets in ILAMB should start soon. Any other dataset we would like? Current proposed list

Useful links


I am sorry for the late announcement but I was sick all last week. This means I haven’t had the opportunity to gather items for an agenda either.

Please see here for the notes of our previous meeting.

Land Working Group meeting

** For a calendar invite, simply click on the relevant calendar link below **


  1. Australia-centric datasets in ILAMB. Additional information on requirements for ILAMB datasets.

Useful links


Today I forgot 2 reminders about the ACCESS-NRI Community workshop.

Reminder: ACCESS Training Day survey

Tell us what you want to learn at the 2024 ACCESS Workshop Training Day!
:point_right: Fill out this (very) short form! :point_left:
This will help the User Training team organize the most relevant and useful content for you!

Feedback due: Monday, June 24th @ 5pm

Reminder: Breakout session proposals

People can propose breakout sessions by replying to this post: ACCESS Workshop 2024 - Input for breakout sessions or sending an email to

Proposal due: Monday, June 24th @ 5pm


The notes from our last meeting are here.

Land Working Group Meeting

** For a calendar invite, simply click on the relevant calendar link below **


  1. ACCESS-NRI work plan feedback. Please read through the draft annual work plan from ACCESS-NRI. We are looking for feedback from the community on the proposed activities.

Useful links


a belated announcement of our Land Working Group meeting today.

The notes from our last meeting are here

Land Working Group Meeting

** For a calendar invite, simply click on the relevant calendar link below **


There is no item on the agenda.

Useful links