Conda requests from CWS-help

Copying over from CWShelp tickets.
Hopefully these go back to when CLEX CMS was actively managing hh5 so hopefully this will be it but I’ll add more if I find them.



I would like to please request for a new python package to be installed on gadi so I can use in within JupyterLab. I would like to use pyLIM, available here: GitHub - frodre/pyLIM: A python-based linear inverse modeling suite

I understand it requires the packages numpy, numexpr, netCDF4, dask, pytables, scipy, and scikit-learn. I have checked the unstable version of conda 3 and I think it does not have pyLIM or scikit-learn.

Thank you in advance for you assistabce.

Tamara Schlosser, Ph.D.
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies
University of Tasmania


Hi there

I would like the latest version of the Python scores package (v2.0.0)
installed in the analysis3 hh5 environment if possible. Installing it in analysis3-unstable would be fine for my needs.

Kind regards,
NCI username: rt8696


[Hi CWS help, My team has released on open-source package to conda-forge that we’d like added to NCI for our users on gadi. |]Scores |
Target environment is analysis3.

Thanks kindly for your assistance
Maree Carroll (she/her) Senior Software Engineer Forecast Quality, Science and Innovation
Level 9, 700 Collins St, Docklands, VIC 3008 :

It looks from ticket 3455 like this was included in the final release of analysis3-unstable so the other ticket may not be relevant, but noting that there’s clear demand for inclusion of ‘scores’ in whatever becomes the replacement for analysis3-stable.

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Thanks @ClaireT. I will take a look.