Hi @holger ,
Thanks for fixing. Further down in the Readme, when it steps through how to set up and run the model, I think it still refers to the old esm-pre-industrial version. If so, it would be good to update that too.
On the carbon pool issue that I also mentioned in this topic. Here are a couple of example figures from xconv. The first one is from /g/data/access/payu/access-esm/input/pre-industrial/start_dump/pre-industrial.astart.
The second one is from /g/data/access/payu/access-esm/restart/pre-industrial/atmosphere/restart_dump.astart.
It is hard to spot but there is one dodgy grid-cell on the coast of Norway. Other fields in the file also seem to be corrupted in a similar way. It always seems to be coastal points so perhaps this file has somehow got mixed up with one with an incorrect land-sea mask. I would have thought this file should have been exactly the same as the pre-industrial.astart which looks OK.