A modified version
COSIMA Code of Ethics
Four ethical principles form the foundational pillars of COSIMA.
Integrity, Trust, Openness, Fairness
all of which feed into and nurture our collaborative and community-spirit purpose.
We expect these principles to be honoured by everyone who participates or benefits from COSIMA. The fundamentals of each principle are outlined below. Everyone is expected to follow this code in spirit as much as in letter.
Integrity is the soul of science; it takes a life-time to earn and a moment to lose. We demonstrate sound moral principles, always acting with honour and truthfulness. We are honest in presenting goals and intentions, in reporting methods and procedures, and in conveying interpretations.
Just as with integrity, trust is tough to earn yet easy to lose. COSIMA is a community built on trust and trust should underlie all of our practices.
An environment of trust and integrity allows members to
- Feel safe to express new ideas, ideas others may disagree with, and ideas that may make them vulnerable;
- Tolerate conflict enough to resolve it.
Open methods, open data, open collaborations, open communication.
COSIMA is committed to developing and sharing model configurations, model output, and model analyses. We believe that modern climate science cannot be separated from software. Science informs model development and model results push science forward. We equally value science and software–model development contributions.
We are committed to a spirit of receptiveness to input from and promote an expansive collaborative spirit in our undertaken research projects. We are committed to having coherent and explicit communication between team members.
In pursuit of our scientific goals, COSIMA community members
- Ensure research methods and results are open to scrutiny and debate.
- Aim to work transparently and involve interested parties as early as possible.
- Encourage a research culture that is innovative, open and transparent.
- Declare any potential, perceived, or actual conflicts of interest.
We are committed to objective, unbiased, inclusive and equitable actions. All members of the COSIMA community have a right to expect, and a duty to give fair treatment to others.
Collaboration – the backbone of it all
Collaboration underlies all of the above pillars. Collaboration nurtures a team spirit that enables new science. The group’s potential is not merely sum of the potential of its individuals; 1+1≠2 but it is much more!
Collaboration reduces redundancy and improves the quality of our work. Collaboration allows for synergy to produce novel and unexpected science that pushes back the envelope of understanding. We celebrate collaboration, internally and externally.
“What we produce is a complex whole made of many parts, it is the sum of many dreams. Collaboration between teams that each have their own goal and vision is essential; for the whole to be more than the sum of its parts, each part must make an effort to understand the whole.”
[Ubuntu Code of Conduct]
The document was partially inspired or influenced by the following:
- http://www.esf.org/coordinating-research/mo-fora/research-integrity.html
- Sarkar, M., Aulakh, P., and Taner Cavusgil, S. (1998). The strategic role of relational bonding in interorganizational collaborations. An empirical study of the global construction industry. Journal of International Management, 4(2), 85-107.
- http://www.sherbrookeconsulting.com/Trust.pdf
- Sonnenwald, D. (2007). Scientific Collaboration. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 41(1), 643-681.
- https://ubuntu.com/community/ethos/code-of-conduct
- https://hbr.org/2007/11/eight-ways-to-build-collaborative-teams
- http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and-responsibilities/defining-the-role-of-authors-and-contributors.html