COSIMA Diversity Survey

Hi everyone,

I was thinking over the course of the past week that it may be a good idea to think about establishing a baseline for how COSIMA is doing with regards to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.

One way to do this is through a Diversity Survey (as ACEAS conducted last month), where a sense of the makeup of the COSIMA community can be obtained. Do people have ideas on how we can understand and keep track of metrics related to gender, cultural and linguistic diversity, and other key markers of diversity in the community?

I think once we establish a ‘baseline’ (entirely voluntary, of course), we could then use that information to identify key areas of strength and weakness in the community.

Keen to hear your thoughts and ideas, and of course best practices!


Hey Taimoor, I don’t know about best-practice but I think this is a great idea and fully support it!

Perhaps the UNSW (or any university) Equity Diversity & Inclusion team might have some resources on how to best go about developing a baseline?

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Data is beautiful. Not sure how to do an EDI survey, but as Hannah suggests … I’m sure there are resources.

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This is a great idea!

For the non-ACEAS peeps, could you share the ACEAS survey questions? If you don’t have access to it, just from memory – it doesn’t have to be exactly what the ACEAS survey was.

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These are the example surveys that were mentioned in yesterday’s meeting.