Tuesday 7th Jan 2025
Attendees: @clairecarouge @anton @RachelLaw @spencerwong @ben @Jhan @inh599
Apologies: @cbull & everyone else still on leave
- Do we want to continue the current meeting format ?
Happy enough to keep going with the current format, extend to the end of March.
- @pearseb ran an ice-berg and no-iceberg case for ~100years
- Jhan had two other runs to test CABLE configurations - ran for 40-70 years. Jhan and Rachel has some other tests of CABLE configurations ongoing.
- CICE5 work still ongoing.
- Need to determine the right split between liquid and solid run-off for the iceberg scheme. @dhb599 to advise and we can investigate further is needed.
Probably won’t extend CABLE runs until without checking the results in more detail. Rachel is working towards having the correct output to use ILAMB. Needs advice from Martin on how to calculate energy balance.
All CSIRO results are in :
Scripts are extract_*
Jhan's two runs are 'case2a' and 'case2b'
Water balance on the land looks very wrong, will discuss with Martin when he is back. Possibly a missing term has not been connected (or similar)
- Ben & Jhan Working on how to organise CABLE source files in the best way, & to stop duplication between ESM1.5 & ESM1.6
Question about the walltime requested for ocean collation at the end of an esm1.6 run. Spencer thinks this is resolved.
Issue with changing projects in payu part way through an experiment is not a priority
Next meeting: 14th Jan