Tuesday 12/11/2024 standup
Chair: @cbull
Attended: @Aidan, @pearseb, @sofarrell, @RachelLaw @anton
Apologies: @dhb599
Minutes: @cbull
Pre-meeting agenda items:
- sinking scheme in generic tracers (move_vertical function?)
- @cbull “port latest WOMBAT science developments”
@pearseb and @cbull talked about the interest in having variable sinking rates. Ideally it would be possible to have a solution that works for both MOM5 and MOM6 and could be pushed upstream to mom-ocean
. Quite a technical discussion, so best followed up offline.l Next step: @cbull will be in touch with @pearseb to have an offline chat about options. Likely after Hobart so that might coincide with when @dougiesquire is back?
@RachelLaw heard from @dhb599 a few days ago was having a water conservation issue in MOM (coming from CICE).
@sofarrell has been waiting on CICE changes from @dhb599 [missed the version information here]
@Aidan gave an overview of the ESM 1.6 project board and how to add issues and manage them as they progress.
Discussion between @RachelLaw and @cbull about what to do regarding the stand up for next week. Given that @anton, @sofarrell, @cbull are both in Hobart for workshop. @RachelLaw was unsure if @dhb599 would be able to make it but will chat to him later in the week (update: @cbull heard from @dhb599 who said they can make it, so @cbull has organised @ezhilsabareesh8 to host the standup next week).