CSIRO - ACCESS-NRI standup minutes

Tuesday 26/11/2024 standup
Chair: @cbull
Attended: @Aidan, @pearseb, @RachelLaw, @dhb599, @harshula, @anton, @sofarrell, @cbull
First draft of minutes: @cbull

@harshula asked @pearseb if he could add the cmake build files to the branch he is currently working on. In other words, @harshula asked @pearseb about which generic tracers branch he was currently working on. @pearseb explained that the sinking work is the main focus at the moment but one can look at the issues page. @pearseb thinks wombatlite will be ready by the end of the week and can be rolled out to other modelling components (e.g. ESM, OM etc). Background: the spack build is deployed from a separate development branch so they are looking to update those changes to be more relevant to what @pearseb is working on.

@anton asked @pearseb, if it would be helpful if @matthew.chamberlain were more involved in GitHub activities. @pearseb suggested Matt is working on testing of generic tracers but will feedback via @pearseb for the time being. @Aidan noted that @matthew.chamberlain uses GH in other contexts.

@sofarrell asked about these commands that @dhb599 has used succesfully to push to github

$ git add TEST-pushing-file?
$ git commit -m "second try on 20241125 to push TEST-pushing-file1/2"
$ git push origin HEAD

Key point is that git push origin HEAD, HEAD refers to the local commit viewpoint.

@sofarrell wanted to know how to rename her local branch then push it to GitHub this was done successfully (!) with:

git branch -v
git branch -m <newname>
git branch -v
git remote -v
git push origin -u HEAD

Note that the -u is important as it asks git to add tracking to the local branch.

See the docs for more information on what tracking means.

@RachelLaw mentioned that she’s found the cable docs really helpful.