CSIRO - ACCESS-NRI standup minutes

Tuesday 10/12/2024 standup
Chair: @cbull
Attended: @Aidan, @pearseb, @RachelLaw, @anton, @sofarrell, @cbull, @ben, @inh599, @Jhan, @MartinDix, @spencerwong, @TommyGatti
Not present: @dhb599, @harshula, @tiloz, @Arnold_Sullivan, @tammasloughran, @clairecarouge
First draft of minutes: @cbull

@cbull suggested, given the size of the standup that we split into breakout rooms, and then reconvene at the end. This didn’t occur as the discussion went towards issues concerning everyone.

@Aidan, @harshula has been putting together a spack build with different options to allow flexibility given the different model versions currently being used, details here with a test pull request. Options include:

  • with/without generic tracers)
  • cice4/cice5
  • different UM versions
    @clairecarouge feedback would be helpful but she is currently travelling.

@MartinDix has been putting together some standard runs (1% and 4x CO2 Martin and was thinking about using generic tracers). Question then: is there a configuration using generic tracers that we can put in the config’ repo?

@pearseb, there is but the PR related to it is unavoidably slow because @dougiesquire is away and he normally reviews these things. It does however run well in ACCESS om2. @pearseb emphasises that we should be using generic tracers for all wombat work going forward. @MartinDix another isssue is getting the inputs into the standard locations.

@RachelLaw: what are our priorities to do simulations over the summer? Are there test cases or a configuration that we can put together (with possibly some known issues) that looks like ESM 1.6?

@RachelLaw / @pearseb. Tuning of WOMBAT will be different to ACCESS om2 but currently using ACCESS om2 parameter values as a starting point, expect that they will need some tuning.

@RachelLaw is liaising with @Arnold_Sullivan, @Jhan and @dhb599 but there are still considerable changes to the ocean components. @RachelLaw will see @dhb599 later today to get an update. @Aidan : CMT stuff needs an issue on GitHub please. @RachelLaw: ok, meeting with the relevant people (@Arnold_Sullivan, @Jhan – I think?) so we’ll make an issue for that in the meeting today.

@sofarrell is still waiting on CICE updates from @dhb599.

@RachelLaw suggestion to pull together what we have to run some standard simulations to be run over the summer break (see “create initial dev-preindustrial+concetrations branch” issue), thinking of having a meeting in the next ~10 days to organise. @pearseb is keen to facilitate too. @cbull great idea, like a mini hackathon? @Aidan is going on leave from this Friday

Spencer: Dougie put this together, does that have all the inputs that are needed? Pearse: the restart is what will be needed for the ocean with a few extra variables, we can discuss offline.

@cbull any land updates/comments?

@inh599 gave an update, missed the details [@inh599 looking to implement bug fixes in land-atmosphere coupling code this week. These were identified in CM2 development and need porting into ESM1.6. Unfortunately the UM differs enough between version that the fix code has to be developed anew. Should be done as part of/ahead of the hackathon.]

Next actions: @RachelLaw is going to organise a follow up meeting “hackathon” this month to pull together csiro efforts into one executable for test simulations.

— offline discussion with @pearseb @Aidan @cbull
Aidan: all inputs are tracked here. The files are then added to a protected area by a workflow that Tommy set up. Suggestion from Aidan: Pearse can do the modifications to the restart and then share in /scratch/public/username/ (has a very short deletion time; need to add permissions to everyone)
Update: @pearseb has shared the file and put here – /scratch/public/pjb581/ocean_wombatlite.res.nc-pearse