Daily data for ACCESS-OM2-01?

Hi Ilaria

That sounds like an interesting project. There’s a list of all outputs for the 4 cycles of ACCESS-OM2-01 IAF here https://cosima.org.au/index.php/2020/07/29/data-available-0-1-1958-2018-access-om2-iaf-run/
There is daily global full-depth 3d temperature, salinity and 3 velocity components in cycle 1 from 1 Jan 1987 to 31 Dec 2018.
You may also be interested in the BGC output from cycle 4, some of which is quite high frequency (though the T, S and velocity fields will differ from the first cycle).

There are many other experiments available, but I’m not aware of others that have daily 3d T, S, u, v, w. These are best investigated using the COSIMA Cookbook data explorer

An overview of ACCESS-OM2-01 IAF and the other control runs is here ACCESS-OM2 Control Runs
