ERA5 Daily data

Hello NRI,

I am trying to calculate daily statistics from hourly ERA5 data using xarray. When calculating this for large datasets, it is very very slow. I have tried a number of optimisation techniques (like using Dask), but the problem still seems to persist. I want to do this for multiple 4D variables in a time efficient manner and would love some help. I know there has already been some discussion about this on this forum, so apologies for any overlap!

I was wondering if there is a collection of daily statistics for some general variables from ERA5 hosted somewhere on gadi that can be accessed? Is this a dataset the NRI can help support?

Thanks in advance!


Hi @Sramana. I’m not sure about whether there are pre-computed daily statistics available, but this topic is very similar to Efficient daily resampling using xarray and there is a solution therein that may help to speed up your resampling with xarray.

There are pre-computed daily variables available. I am looking for a place to make them available to the community.

Hi @Sramana,

Getting back to you regarding this.
What variables do you need as a priority?

I gather from the hackathon notes that it would be

rsut (sw)
rlut (lw)

What do you think?


I currently have:

vas, uas, ua, tasmin, tasmax, tas, rsds, rlds, psl, pr, tdps, rsdt

Hi Romain,

Thanks so much for this! I would also like to access these variables. Where could I access them?


Hi Romain,

Apologies for the very late reply.

Your list is pretty comprehensive, I love it! Thank you. Just another question, would the 3D variables like ta, ua, va etc be available on multiple levels or just one?

  • Sramana

I need to analyze ERA5 winds at 10 m and was wondering where on gadi I can find the data. I could only find data for 2023 in /g/data/ik11/inputs/ERA5/input/IAF/10u

Can any of you, @rbeucher or @rmholmes point me to the right directory?


Hi Christina - The data straight from ERA5 (3 hourly) is in /g/data/rt52/era5/single-levels/reanalysis/ and the link above might help to resample at a more useable frequency :slight_smile:

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The daily data are not publicly accessible for now. I am looking at how we can make this happen ASAP.

Hi - it would be wonderful to have tp and/or mtpr as well

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