Date: 7/12/2023
Participants: 13
Chair: @tiloz
- Last meeting of the year, next meeting is February 1st 2024
- We have a speaker for the first meeting of next year (Francois Delage)
- @JulieA and @RachelLaw will give a CMIP7 update in mid-February. Will have timelines from IPCC at that stage. Bureau meeting mid January. Have a proposal for fast-track experiments. Could give an update by then. Could have a discussion in this group.
- @eunpalim Any AMOS attendees could give their talk to group. @tiloz yes, but doesn’t have to be a polished talk.
- @JulieA ACCESS-ESM WG will organise a meet-up at AMOS. Could be lunch or dinner after combined session with Paleo modelling.
Shared experiments/ACCESS-NRI resources
- ACCESS-NRI merit allocation guidelines released
- Have proposals for experiments for next quarter from @wghuneke (storage) and @tammasloughran.
- @dkhutch will put up a proposal for next quarter
- @AndyHoggANU Don’t currently have tape storage for Working Groups. Wasn’t clear this was wanted.
- @gpontes will we have more
storage space in future? @tiloz perhaps, but do need a strategy for migrating to longer term tape storage. @MartinDix there is a ramping up schedule from June next year, but NCI don’t have disk storage available. Might not be more for next 6 months. - @tiloz would be good to have a discussion topic on the forum to help inform how to make management decisions.
- ESM WG Chairs will give decision on @wghuneke storage request before Christmas break.
AMOC Freshwater forcing experiment
- Experiment adding fresh water forcing to capture AMOC behaviour for past century. Current models are not able to capture observed AMOC behaviour. These experiments can capture observed AMOC, now extending into future projections (ssp585) and designed freshwater forcing that should be consistent. Doing a 4 member ensemble out to 2100 will finish this year. If results are promising and add ensemble behaviour. Capturing AMOC behaviour makes experiments potentially interesting for this group.
- Currently post-processing with ACCESS-Archiver. Not doing CMORisation.
Role of Atmosphere in triple La Nina
- Initialise ACCESS-S2 with realistic ocean, and random land and atmosphere
- Want to make data available for other researchers
- Will post-process and keep only the required data. If others want specific fields/variables let @eunpalim know.
Science talk
@jemmajeffree “Using model analogues to determine the impact of various ocean basins on ENSO”
What’s going on?
- @MartinDix and @dkhutch will talk offline about ACCESS-ESM-1.5
- @RachelLaw CMIP7 Announce topic. Watch this for updates. Separate topic for commenting on fast track v1 proposal. Will submit ACCESS feedback next week. There is one paleo experiment suggested for fast-track: an abrupt change from a PIControl. Would seem do-able, but would value paleo modellers feedback about the possibility.
- CMIP panel have drop-in sessions, recordings are available. MetOffice only doing emissions driven experiments. Trying to decide on DECK, and many modelling centres only want emissions driven experiments. @RachelLaw given DECK required historical and ESM historical might as well have emissions and concentration driven runs, but weight emissions-driven. Looking at revising DECK experiments based on feedback.
This is a wiki post , if you want to update any of the details in these meeting notes, or to add your own recollection of what was discussed then edit me rather than replying.