JRA-3Q as a replacement for JRA55?

Thanks @aekiss. Good to hear the effort going into this.

And thanks @AndyHoggANU for bringing up @mauricehuguenin’s repeat decade forcing paper (we use repeating cycles of 1962-1971, Drivers and distribution of global ocean heat uptake over the last half century | Nature Communications) in the questions at the end. For OHC studies I think this is an important thing to consider (as for BGC stuff as Gokhan mentioned).

I’m hoping that there will be some Australian/COSIMA contribution to CFORCE going forward? In particular, it would great to point out to them the initial work we already did in getting an ERA5 forced version of ACCESS-OM2 working (on github). We ran into a few of the same problems that were discussed in that talk (excessive 10m winds, no run-off etc.).