Land working group Announce


Land Working Group meeting

** For a calendar invite, simply click on the relevant calendar link below **


  1. Co-chairs renewal. Some of the co-chairs for the working group want to step down soon. We are looking for applicants for the position. (@clairecarouge )
  2. ACCESS simulations are showing large sensitivity of carbon fluxes to root distribution so a broader discussion might be interesting. Are offline runs similarly sensitive? How does JULES deal with root distribution? Are there more recent datasets/parameterisations than currently used in CABLE (Jackson et al., 1996). (@RachelLaw)
  3. Please read through the proposal put forward by Romain about communication on model evaluation: Enhancing Model Evaluation Feedback Mechanisms for the ACCESS Community
    We would like to put in a consolidated feedback from the land working group. (@clairecarouge )
  4. Follow up on workshop outcome (@clairecarouge )

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