Lightning Talks 2:
- Mathew Lipson (Weather of the 21st Century) High resolution urban and regional modelling with JULES+UM
- Micael J. T. Oliveira (ACCESS-NRI) Software Transformation at ACCESS-NRI: Empowering Climate Science with Advanced Computing
- Nicola Maher (ANU) Using large ensembles for model evaluation
- Paige Martin (ACCESS-NRI) The ACCESS-NRI Training Program: Does it meet your needs?
- Rachel Law (CSIRO) Opportunities to contribute to the ACCESS-ESM1.6 CMIP7 Fast Track submission
- Tammas Loughran (CSIRO) The carbon and climate impacts of forestation in Australia
- Tommy Gatti (ACCESS-NRI) Model Configuration Management and Automated Testing at ACCESS-NRI
Please use this thread for discussions on these lightning talks.