Machine Learning for Climate and Weather Working Group Announce

This topic will be used for announcements to the Machine Learning for Climate and Weather Working Group by the leadership team.

For example, we will announce meetings, workshops and events through this topic. There will not be an email list.

You need to watch this topic to receive new announcements via email notifications

To avoid individuals accidentally spamming the whole group, this topic is closed and only the leadership team will be able to post replies. If you have questions, check if it has already been asked in the Machine Learning for Climate and Weather Category, and if not either open a topic on the forum or reply to the Working Group description topic.

Useful links/information:

  • Monthly Meetings:
    Held first Friday of the month at 2pm.

    Zoom details: Launch Meeting - Zoom
    Zoom Meeting ID: 83187307759 (password: 123456)

    Meeting schedule: ML for Weather and Climate Meeting Talks - Google Sheets , NOTE: As the link to this document is publicly available, access has been restricted to “comment only”. If you wish to edit it please add a comment and it will be periodically edited, or contact one of the co-chairs.

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Hi Micael,
will you post a link for the ML monthly meetings? Will there be one on the 4th October?

Hi Terry,

Yes, there will be a meeting on the 4th and we will soon share a link. Stay tuned!


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Hi everyone,

The first monthly meeting of the new Machine Learning for Climate and Weather Working Group will take place next Friday, 4th October. Time and zoom details can be found at the top, in the first post.

Here is the agenda:

See you next week!