Atmosphere WG Meeting 22.06.2023 minutes
** 22 June 2023 (11:00-12:00)
14 participants online via Teams
- Admin:
- Yi Huang volunteered to take today’s meeting minutes.
- Sonya Fiddes volunteered to take the next meeting’s minutes (in July).
- Need volunteers for science talks next meeting - ideas welcome!
- Science talks:
a) ACCESS-A: Development of the Australian domain convective-scale numerical weather prediction model (Shaun Cooper, Belinda Roux, Mat Lipson BOM).
Questions/discussions: What resolution is used for ensemble runs? What GPM products are used for rainfall evaluation.
b) Atmospheric modelling over the Southern Ocean (Sonya Fiddes, AAPP)
Questions/discussions: Uncertainties of aerosol climatology over the Southern Ocean. Observed vs simulated radar reflectivities.
- WG Training needs:
General needs:
- What Scott Wales has originally setup (BOM documentation?) was useful for beginners.
- Strengthened links with the Met Office to feed changes into model development.
- Helplines (e.g. answering specific questions).
ACCESS-NRI Workshop (Sept 5-8) specific needs:
- Training on how to make changes in the UM code/ to the trunk (currently need a lot of hand-holding from Met Office).
What do students need:
- Documenting model setup and simple instructions to run the model, including an overview of basic aspects like where ancillaries are stored.
- Rose-cylc tutorial for any configuration (basic-level users)
Other suggestions for basic-level users:
- It would be useful for a new model user to document the difficulties and problems they encountered along the way and how their problems got resolved (for more experienced users this is somewhat foggy).
Do we need a AUS2200 training session at the ACCESS-NRI Workshop?
- ACCESS-NRI encourages ECRs to learn and run the model.
- Hackathons are useful exercises, but focused more on coding, post-processing, using tools to analyse of model data.
- The level of training similar to what was provided at the UM training workshop would be helpful (people could learn to run a model for real).
- Documentation:
- Addressed in the above discussion on training needs, but further discussion needed.
- Navigating around ACCESS-Hive remains a bit challenging. These training videos are helpful.
UM research activities:
Regarding this table, some people cannot see the “Edit” button on the bottom RHS of this wiki post. Heidi followed up on this issue and apparently you need to have a Trust Level 1 to edit a wiki post on the forum, which can be achieved simply by reading only 10 minutes of forum posts.
If you still have difficulties filling out this table, then you can reply directly to the post and we will add it in the table. -
ACCESS-NRI Workshop (5-8 Sept ):
Yi Huang gave an update from program committee meeting:
- Program has not yet been finalised, but a general training plan was developed.
- Confirmed that we only need one day Atmosphere WG meeting.
- People encouraged to think about what specific training activities we can help organise.
- ACCESS-NRI resources:
- Brief summary given of the resource allocation guidelines.
- People encouraged to propose their ideas on the forum.
- People encouraged to use remaining resources for Q2 2023 (2.5MSU in total).
- AUS2200 is currently using ~500KSU for a reduced SST experiment for the 2022 QLD/NSW flood event.