Meeting Minutes 2023: Atmosphere Working Group (Archived)

Atmosphere WG meeting 15.08.2023 minutes

15 August 2023 (14:00-15:00)
11 participants online via Zoom
From: UNSW, BoM, UniMelb, ACCESS-NRI

1. Admin (Heidi Nettelbeck)

2. Science presentation (Tim Raupach)

  • Assessing changes to hail hazard across Australia
  • In a warming climate, there is a general tendency of reduced hail frequency, but increased hail size.
  • Mainly running WRF, some AUS400. Also keen to run ACCESS models for future studies.
  • Questions/discussion:
  1. What’s WRF HAILCAST; what is needed to run it (Charmaine Franklin)?
    Only profile information needed, two versions (including offline one) are available (Tim Raupach).
  2. Particle size distribution used in microphysics schemes is developed for extratropics – not suitable for tropical conditions. Suggested that Tim test different particle size distribution using ACCESS models (Charmaine Franklin).
  3. Observations may be available in more populated regions, e.g., SE Asia (Martin Dix).
  4. AUS2220 training will use the 2022 Canberra hailstorm as a training case (Yi Huang).

3. ACCESS-NRI workshop update (Heidi Nettelbeck)

  • ACCESS-NRI Workshop / Training Day / WG Day registration reminder
  • Registration nearing capacity, closes 20.08.2023

4. Atmosphere WG day 07.09.2023 planning update (Charmaine Franklin)

  • 3 science talks on topics that haven’t been discussed much in previous WG meetings;
    Speakers: Martin Singh, Matt Woodhouse, Christian Jakob.
  • Other suggestions: lighting presentations (participation open to all to present current or future work relevant to the WG)
  • Discussion session on WG Day (45min): call for ideas on discussion topics – post ideas on the forum!
  • Action item: Heidi to email Atmosphere WG day attendees regarding their participation in lighting presentations


  • Reminder subscribe to Calendar invite to our Atmosphere WG meetings – remind colleagues to do so! (Heidi Nettelbeck)
  • Suggestions on experiments to be run as a community case (Atmosphere WG has resources to support this). Post your ideas on the forum! (Charmaine Franklin)
  • Next meeting is 7th September (9.30-5pm) at the ACCESS-NRI Workshop.