Atmosphere WG meeting 15.08.2023 minutes
15 August 2023 (14:00-15:00)
11 participants online via Zoom
From: UNSW, BoM, UniMelb, ACCESS-NRI
1. Admin (Heidi Nettelbeck)
- Introduction and agenda.
- Yi Huang volunteered to take today’s meeting minutes.
- Call for volunteers to present at future WG meetings.
- Adding information to Atmospheric modelling research activities using the UM table.
2. Science presentation (Tim Raupach)
- Assessing changes to hail hazard across Australia
- In a warming climate, there is a general tendency of reduced hail frequency, but increased hail size.
- Mainly running WRF, some AUS400. Also keen to run ACCESS models for future studies.
- Questions/discussion:
- What’s WRF HAILCAST; what is needed to run it (Charmaine Franklin)?
Only profile information needed, two versions (including offline one) are available (Tim Raupach). - Particle size distribution used in microphysics schemes is developed for extratropics – not suitable for tropical conditions. Suggested that Tim test different particle size distribution using ACCESS models (Charmaine Franklin).
- Observations may be available in more populated regions, e.g., SE Asia (Martin Dix).
- AUS2220 training will use the 2022 Canberra hailstorm as a training case (Yi Huang).
3. ACCESS-NRI workshop update (Heidi Nettelbeck)
- ACCESS-NRI Workshop / Training Day / WG Day registration reminder
- Registration nearing capacity, closes 20.08.2023
4. Atmosphere WG day 07.09.2023 planning update (Charmaine Franklin)
- 3 science talks on topics that haven’t been discussed much in previous WG meetings;
Speakers: Martin Singh, Matt Woodhouse, Christian Jakob. - Other suggestions: lighting presentations (participation open to all to present current or future work relevant to the WG)
- Discussion session on WG Day (45min): call for ideas on discussion topics – post ideas on the forum!
- Action item: Heidi to email Atmosphere WG day attendees regarding their participation in lighting presentations
- Reminder subscribe to Calendar invite to our Atmosphere WG meetings – remind colleagues to do so! (Heidi Nettelbeck)
- Suggestions on experiments to be run as a community case (Atmosphere WG has resources to support this). Post your ideas on the forum! (Charmaine Franklin)
- Next meeting is 7th September (9.30-5pm) at the ACCESS-NRI Workshop.