Hi everybody,
As part of the regional model development that @john_reilly and @ashjbarnes and myself are undertaking, we would like to run a set of experiments to test the effects of nesting of the regional domain in a global model. To do so, we’d like to keep the regional model and global model as similar as possible. For example, to date, we’ve been nesting the regional model in the 0.1 degree long RFY global run. This run is based on MOM5, while the regional model is MOM6, and its difficult to attribute differences to the effects of the regional nesting, or the underlying model dynamics.
A high-res, global MOM6 run was performed at the end of 2022. Unfortunately, 3D outputs are saved as monthly averages, when to test the effects of regional nesting, we would ideally require daily output. Would it be possible to run another year of the global MOM6 RYF config with daily 3D outputs?