New ESM1.5 release cannot find UM executable

Sorry to bother you on a Friday afternoon after a busy workshop. I am trying out the ESM1.5 release. I followed the instructions here,

And when running payu setup, I ran into the following error:

  File "/g/data/vk83/apps/payu/1.1.5/lib/python3.10/site-packages/payu/models/", line 316, in setup
    raise FileNotFoundError(
FileNotFoundError: Executable for atmosphere model not found on path: /scratch/y99/dkh157/access-esm/bin/um_hg3.exe

Please advise how to solve this. help

The directory I created is found here:



Hi David

I copied your folder and it ran for me. I would guess this is related to binaries being distributed via modules now, instead of the path only.

Can you try

payu sweep && payu-run

(Note the dash). This will try the run in your login nodes, which will fail, but you should be able to see if it finds the exectuables:

e.g. like this:

Checking exe, input and restart manifests
mod pbs
mod payu/dev
mod cice4/2024.05.21
mod mom5/access-esm1.5_2024.08.23
mod um7/2024.07.03
mod access-esm1p5/2024.05.1
Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
 1) payu/dev           3) mom5/access-esm1.5_2024.08.23   5) access-esm1p5/2024.05.1   7) pbs  
 2) cice4/2024.05.21   4) um7/2024.07.03                  6) openmpi/4.1.4(default)   
mpirun  -wdir /scratch/tm70/as2285/access-esm/work/preindustrial+concentrations-0fbd4401/atmosphere -np 192  /scratch/tm70/as2285/access-esm/work/preindustrial+concentrations-0fbd4401/atmosphere/um_hg3.exe : -wdir /scratch/tm70/as2285/access-esm/work/preindustrial+concentrations-0fbd4401/ocean -np 180  /scratch/tm70/as2285/access-esm/work/preindustrial+concentrations-0fbd4401/ocean/fms_ACCESS-CM.x : -wdir /scratch/tm70/as2285/access-esm/work/preindustrial+concentrations-0fbd4401/ice -np 12  /scratch/tm70/as2285/access-esm/work/preindustrial+concentrations-0fbd4401/ice/cice_access_360x300_12x1_12p.exe

(@ezhilsabareesh8 - this seems the same as the problem you’ve been having)

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Thanks Anton! I tried what you suggested, and it found the UM executable fine.
Bizarrely, I tried doing the exact same procedure I did the first time
payu setup
in the original, and it found the UM executable fine.

So, either someone worked some magic in the background, or I somehow missed something the first time. But anyway, I get the model running just fine now, so go figure?!

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Maybe some hiccup with gdata.

It’s possible - I can’t replicate my own error from above, so no worries.

We’ve been having these sorts of problems when multiple versions of payu can be found. If anyone is reading this in the future, it may also be worth trying:

module purge before loading payu


pip uninstall payu

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Ah! Good point. payu is available in the CLEX conda/analysis3 environments, and that would certainly muck up what you’re trying to do if it was finding an older version.