I am trying to update my ACCESS-ESM1.5 simulations from the old payu workflow to the new vk83 version. I have encountered a couple of issues in that the new version of payu wants some different input files.
I followed @spencerwong’s script to convert um_env_to_yaml.py for the atmosphere input, but now the setup is failing because it can’t find an ice restart file called: restart_date.nml
If I run payu setup on a previously working run directory, I get this error:
File "/g/data/vk83/apps/payu/1.1.5/lib/python3.10/site-packages/f90nml/parser.py", line 279, in read
nml_file = open(nml_fname, 'r') if nml_is_path else nml_fname
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/scratch/y99/dkh157/access-esm/archive/mio_c2/restart507/ice/restart_date.nml'
Could someone please help to update to the new version of payu, as I think this must have been a recent change.
Hi @dkhutch,
Thanks for trying out the latest version of payu!
In the latest version, we’ve tried to simplify cice’s start date calculations to try and make them clearer and to avoid cice’s calendar falling out of sync from the other components. An impact of this is that older configurations will need to be updated to work with the changes.
Payu now reads the cice start date completely from the restart directory (rather than mixing information between the restart and control directory), from a new restart_date.nml file.
An example restart_date.nml file is at /g/data/vk83/configurations/inputs/access-esm1p5/modern/pre-industrial/restart/ice/restart_date.nml, which contains:
Here init_date is the “experiment’s initialisation date” and inidate is the date corresponding to the restart files, which the next simulation will start at, both in YYYYMMDD format without leading zeros for the year. The rest of the calculations involving the seconds between dates are then handled internally by payu.
Let me know if the following steps work to get the experiment working with the latest version of payu:
Copy the restart_date.nml file into the your restart directory
Replace init_date with the value in your <control_directory/ice/input_ice.nml file
Replace inidate with the date for the latest restart. As long as cice is in sync with the other model components, this can be read from the <restart-dir/atmosphere/um.res.yaml> with the formatting adjusted.
I’m putting together some more detailed instructions in a separate post which I’ll link to from here, but let me know if these instructions work out or if you run into any issues!