Testing to see how subscribing to a topic works.
@tech.accessnri can you please lock this topic. I want to test if having a locked topic can work as a default mailing list
What do you mean by “lock” I can close or Pin
Oh right. No worries I can close I think.
Can I reply to a closed topic? Yes I can, but I am an admin. Hrm. We want trusted community folk to be able to make topics that others can subscribe to so they can be used as targeted mailing lists. But we also would like them to be locked (closed) so new folks don’t reply asking questions and spam a bazillion people.
According to this TL4 (Trust Level 4) can reply to closed topics, so we just need to promote those who need that functionality to TL4, and I guess the number of those is unlimited?
@dougiesquire can you
- Let me know if you see this (on the GitHub issue)
- Try and reply (it shouldn’t work, but want to check)