Forum Updates

This topic will be where updates to this Forum are posted. This might be changes to configuration, addition of new capability or changes in guidelines or terms of use.

It will act as a mailing list

so anyone can watch this topic to automatically be notified when there are updates to the forum

Please do not reply with questions to this topic. Either find an existing topic in Site Feedback or create a new one.



Changed default email notification to “always” to ensure mailing list style topic updates are delivered by default.


This may have slightly increased the amount of email notifications you receive from the forum. Before this change you would not be notified if you were active on the forum within 10 minutes of an update to any topic you are following.

Note this is only the default setting. You can change your settings in preferences in the “Notifications” section.


Anonymous mode has been enabled.


We have a new logo! Woo hoo! Thanks @NBateman-bit

This is to make it easier to distinguish the Forum from the main ACCESS-Hive website, so users were clearer about where they are.

I’ve replaced as many of the previous icon as I could find (as it was used as a place-holder in many places), but if I’ve missed any please let me know.



In case people didn’t realise this forum has mathjax support enabled, which means you can do LaTeX like maths
On it’s own line

\sqrt{(-1)} \; 2^3 \; \sum \; \pi

and inline \sqrt{(-1)} \; 2^3 \; \sum \; \pi works as well.


Post voting is now enabled. This enables stackoverflow style voting on replies:

This has been a long-requested feature (ping @holger)

I have turned this on by default for the Technical category, but it can be enabled in any topic (see above link to Discourse Meta).

EDIT: I have turned it off again for the technical category by default. I had feedback that this was confusing for users, as it has quite a different format. Note that any post can utilise this functionality, but rolling out by default might need to be re-thought. One possibility is to have a dedicated Q&A sub-category of technical for this.

1 Like


There is a new field with the sign-up window to (optionally) select a working group to join.

This triggers an automation to add the user to the selected working group.

The idea is to reduce the number of steps required for new users. At this stage it is optional to select a working group, but it is highly recommended.


Watching Working Group Topics and Categories

As a follow-up to the previous update, we have made changes to facilitate on-boarding for the forum.

The take-home is this: join your working group!

If you do this you no longer need to specifically watch the announce topics, we’ve made it so that members of a working group automatically watch specially tagged topics (the announce topics).

We’ve also set the default so that members of a working group will get notified of all new topics in their working group sub-category. This has the added benefit that you can then reply to an email about a new topic that have actions on the forum. Supported operations are:

  • +1 or like: likes the post
  • watch: watches the topic
  • track: tracks the topic
  • mute: mutes the topic

So if you reply to a new topic just with the word watch you will receive all subsequent replies to that topic.

These changes, combined with the ability to join a working group when you sign up, are designed to reduce the barriers to users getting the information they need when they join the forum.

Working Group Navigation Bar

A section has been added to the left hand navigation bar to make it easier to find and join working groups:

wg section

These are links to the relevant “About” topic for each working group which detail what the group does, who are the important people to contact, what topics to watch (less important if they join the group and this is done automatically).

This is also an attempt to reduce the barrier to users finding the right place to go to join a working group.


Reduced default links in left sidebar

Responding to feedback the default links in the sidebar on the top left has been reduced to Latest Topics and My Posts:

default menu

Al the rest of the links are available if you click on More



The mermaid-js theme component has been installed.

Mermaid JS can be used to create diagrams programmatically, and discourse will render them in your preview window to allow feedback and iterative improvement.

Mermaid has a number of different built-in diagram types:


flowchart LR
    A[Hard edge] -->|Link text| B(Round edge)
    B --> C{Decision}
    C -->|One| D[Result one]
    C -->|Two| E[Result two]


flowchart LR
    A[Hard edge] -->|Link text| B(Round edge)
    B --> C{Decision}
    C -->|One| D[Result one]
    C -->|Two| E[Result two]

Another example with subgraphs

flowchart TB
    subgraph one
    subgraph two
    subgraph three
    one --> two
    three --> two
    two --> c2


flowchart TB
    subgraph one
    subgraph two
    subgraph three
    one --> two
    three --> two
    two --> c2


        branch hotfix
        checkout hotfix
        branch develop
        checkout develop
        commit id:"ash" tag:"abc"
        branch featureB
        checkout featureB
        commit type:HIGHLIGHT
        checkout main
        checkout hotfix
        commit type:NORMAL
        checkout develop
        commit type:REVERSE
        checkout featureB
        checkout main
        merge hotfix
        checkout featureB
        checkout develop
        branch featureA
        checkout develop
        merge hotfix
        checkout featureA
        checkout featureB
        checkout develop
        merge featureA
        branch release
        checkout release
        checkout main
        checkout release
        merge main
        checkout develop
        merge release


        branch hotfix
        checkout hotfix
        branch develop
        checkout develop
        commit id:"ash" tag:"abc"
        branch featureB
        checkout featureB
        commit type:HIGHLIGHT
        checkout main
        checkout hotfix
        commit type:NORMAL
        checkout develop
        commit type:REVERSE
        checkout featureB
        checkout main
        merge hotfix
        checkout featureB
        checkout develop
        branch featureA
        checkout develop
        merge hotfix
        checkout featureA
        checkout featureB
        checkout develop
        merge featureA
        branch release
        checkout release
        checkout main
        checkout release
        merge main
        checkout develop
        merge release

And there are many other styles.


The Category Headers Theme component has been installed and enabled

It provides a mechanism for configuring what information is displayed at the top of category pages. The end-result is that categories show a small banner with the icon and descriptive text, and sub-categories the same, but with the category name prepended.

Category Example

Subcategory Example

This provides more information about “where” a user is within the forum. This is intended to make navigation more intuitive.


An automatic update means footnotes are now enabled by default

What does this mean? [1]

Or you can specify the footnote number and text separately [2]

  1. you can have inline footnotes ↩︎

  2. This style allows for more formatting apparently ↩︎


Added links to the main topic explaining the ACCESS-NRI support model and how to get help and support through the forum:

to the top left hand menu and also the top of the topic listing which is visible on the front page and in any category view.

Did this to lower the barrier to asking for help and support.


The feature for setting a custom status has been enabled

This allows any logged in user to set a custom status message, emoji for a specific duration, or indefinitely.

This can be very useful when you are absent, on holiday or for work, sick, or just very busy.