The ACCESS Community would like to acknowledge and celebrate those in the community who go above and beyond to contribute their time and expertise for the greater good.

What an award might entail, beyond acclaim from your peers, is not clear as yet, but there are plans in the works.

How I hear you say … well I’m glad you asked!


Reply to this topic and nominate someone who you feel has been outstanding in some way. Maybe they helped you when you really needed it, and you’re incredibly grateful. Or you observed them assisting others, or doing work you know is valuable to the community, but without much fanfare.

If you’re too shy to do it as yourself you can always put on the cloak of invisibility and go anonymous.



This topic has post voting enabled, which means if you want to endorse a nomination someone else has put up then click on the up-arrow to the left hand side of a reply to up-vote it.

I’d like to nominate @dougiesquire for some absolutely sterling work answering many many many python questions on this forum, and providing useful resources. If you don’t believe me check it out.

Not only did he help heaps of people, the answers he provided were technically excellent and delivered in a unfailingly nice way.

Good on ya @dougiesquire.

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