Transition from original COSIMA Mailing list

The original COSIMA Mailing List is no longer being used.

The only way you can get email notifications about meetings or other important information is to watch the announce topic:

If you are not receiving emails from the announce topic follow this troubleshooting guide:

If you DO NOT have an account on this forum

Follow the instructions to sign up and select COSIMA as your working group

You will be automatically subscribed to receive the COSIMA announce emails.

If you DO have account on this forum

Are a member of the COSIMA Group?

If you don’t know go to Cosima (ocean/sea-ice) working group - ACCESS Hive Community Forum and see if you are listed or search for your name (there is a search box at the top of the list of names)

If you’re NOT a member of the COSIMA group

Join the COSIMA Group!

Instructions on how to do so are here under “Join a group”

Once you join the COSIMA group you will automatically be subscribed to receive the COSIMA announce emails

If you’re already a member of the COSIMA group

Go to COSIMA Working Group Announce and click on the little bell icon on the right side and set to ‘Watching’.

Watch this video if you’re having trouble doing this