Past CABLE workshops presentations

This topic is to store presentations (slides and some videos) from past CABLE workshops. This material was previously stored on the CABLE Trac wiki.

CABLE workshop 2012

AnnetteHirsch.pdf (2.0 MB)
XingjieLu.pdf (321.6 KB)
VanessaHaverd.pdf (1.8 MB)
RachelLawIntro.pdf (2.5 MB)
RachelLaw.pdf (402.4 KB)
QiangYu.pdf (4.1 MB)
MartinDeKauwe.pdf (1.7 MB)
LaurenStevens.pdf (2.9 MB)
JhanSrbinovsky.pdf (1.3 MB)
JatinKala.pdf (12.9 MB)
ImtiazDharssi.pdf (6.1 MB)
EvaKowalczyk.pdf (4.8 MB)

CABLE workshop 2013

Working_groups_intro.pdf (315.5 KB)
Wang.pdf (1.0 MB)
Rayner.pdf (86.0 KB)
Nieradzik.pdf (1.1 MB)
Kowalczyk.pdf (2.7 MB)
Dumedah_Walker_CABLE_wkshp_Nov2013.pdf (592.1 KB)
Dharssi_Cable2013.pdf (1.1 MB)
Decker.pdf (1.2 MB)
CABLE_workshop_2013.pdf (276.9 KB)
Abramowitz.pdf (425.4 KB)

CABLE meeting June 2014

The following presentations were given at the CABLE Video Conferences on 25th June, 2014 and 8th October, 2014.

The program for June is attached.

The program for October was:

  • Jatin Kala “CABLE in ACCESS-SCM (stand-alone version)”
  • Rachel Law “ACCESS-CM2 and CABLE: plans and progress”
  • Tilo Ziehn “Evaluation of the global carbon cycle in ACCESS-ESM1”
  • Ruth Lorenz “Effect of land-atmosphere coupling strength on impacts from Amazonian deforestation: a study with ACCESS1.3b AMIP runs”
  • Lauren Stevens “Comparison of CABLE and MOSES in ACCESS for Boreal Winter”
  • Imtiaz Dharssi “Recent Advances in Land DA and Modelling at the Bureau”

Wang.pdf (801.0 KB)
VanDijk_CABLEmeeting_24jun.pdf (990.4 KB)
MThatcher_CABLE_1406.pdf (116.1 KB)
LaurenStevens_Update_on_ACCESS_25June2014.pdf (1.1 MB)
LarsNieradzik_CABLE-Conf-140625.pdf (651.8 KB)
JhanSrbinovsky_VCS_review.pdf (143.9 KB)
JKala_CABLE_data_NCI.pdf (36.9 KB)
Carouge_20140625_CABLEmeeting.pdf (106.5 KB)

CABLE meeting October 2014

Oct08_06_dharssi_cableOct14.pdf (309.8 KB)
Oct08_05_LaurenStevens_CABLEvsMOSES_short.pdf (1.5 MB)
Oct08_04_Lorenz_cable_VC_08102014_RL.pdf (5.5 MB)
Oct08_03_Zeihn_access-esm1-tz.pdf (2.2 MB)
Oct08_02_Law_CABLEvideoConf_081014.pdf (726.9 KB)
Oct08_01_Jatin_slides.pdf (1.3 MB)

CABLE workshop December 2014

The CABLE annual workshop was held on December 3rd at ANU, Canberra (Hales room in Jaeger 7 building on Mills Road, part of the Research School of Earth Sciences). The program included

  • CABLE update and technical briefing talks
  • science talks
  • Two sessions focusing on sharing experience with and discussion of future directions for
  • CABLE deficiencies and common problems (science or technical)
  • CABLE benchmarking

The format for the ‘deficiencies’ and ‘benchmarking’ sessions was 1 slide input from as many people as possible, followed by discussion to progress ways to improve and benchmark CABLE.

Workshop presentations are attached and the workshop was recorded.

141203_CABLE-WS_nieradzik.pptx (2.1 MB)
Wang_cable-workshop2014-canberra-A-few-thoughts-on-CABLE.pdf (798.1 KB)
Srbinovsky_CABLE_workshop2014.pdf (63.1 KB)
Gab_CABLEmeeting.pdf (4.2 MB)
Cable_NWP_hzhang2.pptx (2.6 MB)
CABLE_Benchmarking.pdf (3.6 MB)
CABLE_workshop_Dec14_program.pdf (272.0 KB)
CABLE_workshop_Dec14_tasks.pdf (256.2 KB)
Contributed_slides_cable-deficiency.pdf (1.1 MB)
Haverd_SavannaTreeGrass_141203.pdf (1.3 MB)
Law_CABLE_update.pdf (410.6 KB)
Pak_CABLEworkshop_dec2014_v2.pdf (407.1 KB)

CABLE videoconference May 2015

  • Ned Haughton, Why are models performing so poorly?
    dissectingPlumber_slideshow.pdf (274.3 KB)

  • Anna Ukkola, Evaluating CABLE for simulating drought
    Ukkola.pdf (1.2 MB)

  • Cathy Trudinger, Parameter estimation in CABLE-BIOS2
    Trudinger.pdf (2.2 MB)

  • Vanessa Haverd, A stand-alone tree demography and landscape structure module for Earth system models: integration with Australian savanna and global forest data
    Haverd.pdf (1.8 MB)

  • Lauren Stevens, Evaluating the surface climatology produced by two different LSMs in ACCESS
    Stevens.pdf (2.8 MB)

  • Huqiang Zhang, Preliminary results on using Transpose-AMIP for testing CABLE potential application for NWP
    Zhang.pdf (9.5 MB)

CABLE videoconference August 2015

  • Jatin Kala, Influence of an optimal stomatal conductance scheme in ACCESS1.3b under current and future climate
    Kala.pdf (8.2 MB)

  • Adrian Chappell, Modelling soil redistribution and its feedback mechanisms in Earth System Models
    Chappell.pdf (3.1 MB)

  • Rachel Law, The carbon cycle in ACCESS-ESM1: Model description and pre-industrial simulation
    Law.pdf (673.1 KB)

CABLE presentations March 2016

  • Vanessa Haverd, Global PLUME simulations and land-use change in CABLE-POP
    Haverd.pptx (4.4 MB)

  • Lars Nieradzik, The BLAZE fire module and technical developments in CABLE
    Nieradzik_TechDev.pdf (299.4 KB)
    Nieradzik_BLAZE.pdf (3.9 MB)

  • Ned Haughton, Using Jenkins for testing CABLE code developments
    Haughton.pdf (190.4 KB)

  • Lauren Stevens, Update on coupling CABLE to UM8.5/UM10 for ACCESS-CM2
    Stevens (1.6 MB)

CABLE presentations October 2016

  • Vanessa Haverd, *A new land-use enabled Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (DGVM) version of the CABLE land surface model *
    CABLE-LUC-TRENDY-161025.pptx (2.5 MB)

  • Benchmarking needs and plans (Discussion leads, Ying-Ping Wang and Gab Abramowitz)
    Wang.pdf (563.9 KB)

  • Rewriting CABLE I/O (Discussion leads, Bernard Pak and Claire Carouge)
    Rewriting-CABLE-IO.pptx (42.4 KB)

  • Roles of the CABLE committee and coordinator (Discussion lead, Rachel Law)
    CABLE_management_discussion_261016.pdf (377.5 KB)

  • News (Trunk updates, bugs, meeting reports, institution updates etc.)