Poster : Developing a consistent view of future climate projections in the global coastal ocean


Developing a consistent view of future climate projections in the global coastal ocean


Thanks to global earth system models, we have an increasingly better understanding of the impacts of climate change on the global ocean. But global climate models are not designed for the coastal ocean. They lack the necessary scale and process representation to provide coastal communities and the blue economy with reliable information about climate change risks and impacts to allow planning and adaption on local scales. Regional downscaling aims to close this gap. But current approaches are highly fragmented and projections are often highly uncertain. The Project FLAME (Future Coastal Ocean Climates | FLAME) , an endorsed UN Decade, is part of the CoastPredict ( programme, and aims to generate innovative, high-resolution, downscaled decadal to centennial projections of future coastal ocean climates and to explore climate change impacts on coastal ecosystems, hazards, services and resources at the local-regional scales necessary for informed decision making. Here we provide a synthesis of the activities undertook by the FLAME community.


Note: this topic is part of the 2024 ACCESS Community Workshop Poster session