When I use ERA5 to drive the UM regional model as initial and lateral boundary conditions, I note that ERA5 also provides information of sea ice cover. In the regional ancillary suite (copied from u-bu503), I found the sea surface temperature and sea ice concentration come from monthly climatology of HadISST dataset https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2002jd002670.
Does anyone know which sea ice dataset is used when driving the UM regional model with ERA5, HadISST or ERA5?
Also please note, I noticed that the SEA-ICE TEMPERATURE field is not being set properly via the reconfiguration. This is not an issue for the regions we have been running because there is no sea ice.
Please let me know if you need help and we can look into it.
Yes, I can confirm the anomalous sea ice issue is resolved in the latest version of era5grib, however, that version isn’t yet available in analysis3-unstable yet, its still undergoing testing. It can be pip install’d into a virtual environment though.