This topic contains discussions, questions and thoughts for Session 6: Breakout room 3: Model Configurations/ development - ACCESS-CM3/ESM3
Time: 11:15 am - 12:45 pm Martin Dix
Thanks - are there webex links to join each of these?
Thanks - this is breakout 1c from yesterday’s list, right?
Yes, it is
From Tilo’s talk:
AH: naming: CM3 should have OM3 in it
TZ: depends how you distinguish configs - eg changes to non-OM components
ME: are we aiming for CM3 for CMIP7 or too risky?
MD: want to reflect what’s happening in the communities - don’t want to lose connection to ocean community modelling
SM: timeline for UM upgrade
?: no additional science changes in uM but might be diagnostic changes; GC5 not entirely settled; not likely to make science changes
Proposed Definitions of model versions
ACCESS-AM3 - basically GAL9
CABLE-3 - Harmonised GitHub version of CABLE
HR: GC5 hight climate sensitivity to be addressed
SO: radiation balance sensitivity testing discovered incorrect sea ice settings
I would advocate any interim versions (e.g. ACCESS-AM3+OM2 or ACCESS-AM2+OM3) could be badged as an ACCESS-CM2.5, etc
?: UKMO aim to correct this in time for CMIP7
?: do we need to wait for updated code of can we use current versions?
MD: won’t be a problem
TZ: we need to adapt what UKMO use - we’ll always be behind
BGF: new dot point: aim - what we mean by CM3
- why would we consider MOM5 in CM3 when there’s a pathway for MOM6?
- define model components
- ACCESS land-ice model? can that fit timelines?
?: part of the issue is the NUOPC coupler
MD: this is just technical; enough work has been undertaken to know that this will work
?: coupler choice is irrelevant for land surface model (CABLE coupled via JULES)
?: more staff available via ACCESS-NRI
?: not just a technical issue - need to think through the science as well, eg. JULES science components - eg land issue led to excess sea salt aerosol
- Jules 7.1 has been moving faster than expected
?: timeline for 0.25°
AM: probably this year without WW3; next year with WW3
TZ: COSIMA timeline ends 2025 - could be tight to then put this into a climate model
?: codebase vs configuration - can do a lot of work on early versions
MD: it will be several months before UM-NUOPCis ready
SO: still issues with C-grid coupling - mainly in tripolar region
AH: global low-res has not been top priority to date due to regional; but could priorities global if this is important to have working for CM3
ME: is constraint on CM3 due to CMIP7 - just want CMIP7 capability or more/other things?
TZ: CMIP7 sets the timeline irrespective of our
MD: CMIP7 timeline not finalised - shortest due date would be hard to reach with NUOPC-based CM
?: beyond CMIP7 - LFRic on horizon - complete rewrite
- how much do we want capability using absolute latest components
HR: previously have had a “safe” path and an “aspirational” model - should we do this for CMIP7? Gives a fallback if CM3 is too ambitious to reach deadline
SM: expect issues with CABLE coupling; not clear yet re. WOMBAT; also ice sheet coupling
AH: define ACCESS-AM3, CABLE3, etc; CM3 shoudl include all these latest components; models that use older components would be CM2.x