I’ve rebased the branches - @Jhan and others, you may git pull
. If there are errors, you might have to run git reset --hard origin/YOUR_PR_BRANCH_NAME
. Please tag me or message me and I can help out if needed.
You may notice that the pull request doesn’t quite look as you left it - the commits have all been moved to the end of the pull request, and the comments to the start - this is just a quirk of GitHubs handling of rebases. Rest assured that your Prereleases are still as you left them, and the commits were used to create them are still in the repository, but just not on the branch.
For some branches, you may note that it states the deployment has failed. This is because I’d done the rebases quite quickly and had accidentally run afoul of GitHubs deployment scheduling, which is something I’m looking into. Do note that if your deployment worked before, it would still work now.
Again, please tag me if you need a hand with your local repos, or have any other questions!