Assess spin-up options / strategy for ACCESS when including POP/POPLUC.
Current CABLE-POP spin-up includes an analytical spinup for POPLUC after CABLE spin-up is completed. @Juergen suggests this POPLUC spin-up is worth having a closer look. His understanding is that it does not run the biophysics but initiates the age distribution in the secondary forest. It is the last step before the actual run starts in 1700.
For ACCESS, can we do a CABLE-POP offline spin-up (perhaps with ACCESS meteorology), next run offline from 1700-1850 and then effectively pause the tree demography to spin-up ACCESS and run pre-industrial? Might need to iterate between offline and online a few times?
Collate x-years (x being 10-30) of daily meteorology into format suitable of offline runs
run a set of offline-as-ACCESS runs (x years CABLE-CASA-POP-POPLUC from zero biomass, then 10*x years CASAONLY avoiding the CASA analytic spin-up, repeated - all with potential vegetation and no LUC)
(if necessary) rerun coupled model to generate a new set of meteorology and then repeat 2
parse up the ‘final’ CASA, POP and POPLUC states into initial conditions for ACCESS (with some care around ice points)
feed in the final ‘initial’ states into a long-running coupled spin-up (which will be necessary for the ocean-BGC)
I think we have all the pieces in place once CABLE-4 and the i/o into ACCESS-ESM3 are in place (with minor edits to spincasa)