Breakout Session 2: Emulation of climate model output using machine learning or other data driven approaches. Chair: Vassili Kitsios (CSIRO)

Emulation of climate model output using machine learning or other data driven approaches. Chair: Vassili Kitsios (CSIRO)

Link: S2 B2 - Google Docs

Description: Reduced-order models of the climate, or climate emulators, approximate the dynamics of the climate in a computationally cheap fashion as compared to a full complexity general circulation model (GCM). These reduced-order models can be developed from fundamental principles by instead representing a lower dimensional system. They can also be developed using machine learning, statistical learning or a variety of other data-driven methods, which exploit existing GCM output, reanalysis data, or real-world observations. Computationally cheap climate emulators will enable: a more complete assessment of climate risk for a broader range of climate emissions scenarios; and exploration of science questions and methods development via a hierarchy of representative models.

Conclusions/Actions from Breakout Session

Please use this thread for further discussion on this talk.

Breakout session notes now updated, capturing input from the participants, revised, and generally cleaned up.

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Here’s my notes from the session.
access nri workshop.pdf (211.4 KB)

Great, thanks Jemma !