Breakout Session 2: Paleoclimate and idealised modelling in the ACCESS suite of models. Chair: David Hutchinson (UNSW)

Paleoclimate and idealised modelling in the ACCESS suite of models. Chair: David Hutchinson (UNSW)

Link to google doc: S2 B3 - Google Docs

Description: Discussion about current progress and outstanding challenges in paleoclimate and idealised coupled climate modelling using the ACCESS models. There has been significant progress over the past year in developing novel topographies in ACCESS-ESM1.5. But, several aspects of the model remain difficult to manage for many users.

Conclusions/Actions from Breakout Session

Please use this thread for further discussion on this talk.

Thanks all for participating in the breakout session on paleoclimate and idealised modelling. Thanks to @MartinDix for taking notes. I added some additional summary points in the final section. Here again is the Google Doc, which is also freely editable for others to make changes.