CABLE4 planning: meeting notes

CABLE4 design workshop

Thursday 2-5pm

Developing a CABLE4 work plan: Issues to consider - Land Surface / CABLE - ACCESS Hive Community Forum (

Talk through Summary post - have we thought of everything?

First priority to work on ‘CABLE4 offline design / mapping 27-3 (general rather than detail)’

Ian to run through / refresh slides

Timelines / dependencies / resourcing / gaps / what can happen in parallel / what happens in each branch and when can/should they merge

Use forum to capture ‘fleeting thoughts’ and/or hard-copy in room

Time for people to show some slides where relevant

Would be good to talk about vegetation distribution / LUH processing if time.

POP options - what are useful to maintain and implications for what will be needed in ACCESS. Also what will be needed for BLAZE (climate variables). Simpler options than running means etc. POP/CASA interaction re allocation also could be thought about.

Testing environment and test cases

Friday 9am-1pm
Issue-writing - identify which are mostly technical and which are science. Get to the point where some of these can be assigned.

Refine timeline