Call for CMIP6 and earlier forcing scripts for ESM1.5 and earlier

See also this thread on CMIP7 forcing data sets. I have begun a Wiki to document CMIP7 Input and have been using published sources to populate it. In order to have a well written and well documented collection of scripts for CMIP7 input processing, it is useful to know exactly what was done for CMIP6, especially in the case of ACCESS-ESM1.5. I have been searching available repositories, Gadi project directories, and published documentation.

So far I have been unable to locate the scripts that were used to create the ACCESS-ESM1.5 NetCDF and ancillary files in /g/data1a/p66/txz599/data/ancil/CMIP6.

@tiloz and others at CSIRO: would you please point me to any relevant repository or file system archive that contains relevant scripts and documentation for the conversion of CMIP6 and earlier forcings to ACCESS-ESM1.5 and earlier ancillary files and other input files?