Was Ferret used to process CMIP6 forcings?

@tiloz @atteggiani When I uploaded scripts from /g/data/p66/txz599/ACCESS-ESM_tools to CMIP7-Input/scripts/txz599/ACCESS-ESM_tools at 20-add-scripts-from-access-esm-tools · ACCESS-NRI/CMIP7-Input · GitHub I noticed a number of files such as

These are Ferret GO scripts. Were any of these used to process CMIP6 forcings into ACCESS-ESM1.5 input files, or were they used only for evaluation or visualization purposes? Also, what is the meaning of suffixes such as .~1~, .~2~ etc.? Was this used for versioning?

Hi @paulleopardi,

we used ferret for evaluation and plotting of the various fields. This is not required for producing the forcings. Ferret renames the .jnl file every time you start it to keep a history of everything.
