Australia’s next-generation global ocean and sea ice model for CMIP7 and beyond
ACCESS-NRI and COSIMA are developing the ACCESS-OM3 multi-resolution global ocean and sea ice model suite, which couples the state-of-the art MOM6 and CICE6 ocean and sea ice models, and (optionally) the WaveWatch III surface wave model and upgraded WOMBAT ocean biogeochemistry. ACCESS-OM3 will be driven by prescribed atmospheric data and available at resolutions of 1°, 0.25°, 0.1°, and beyond. The MOM6-CICE6 configurations at 1° and 0.25° will also be incorporated into the ACCESS-CM3 and ACCESS-ESM3 coupled physical and Earth system models intended for CMIP7. This presentation will provide an overview of the new research capabilities provided by the model suite, an update on progress and early results, and plans for the future, including integration into CMIP7 development efforts.
Please use this thread for further discussion on this talk.
Thanks for the talk Andrew. It seems that the NUOPC coupler creates a lot of new flexibility for coupling different model components. I am wondering:
How hard would it be to update MOM5 to run with the NUOPC cap?
Does ACCESS-NRI plan to enable the ESM1.6 to be coupled with NUOPC?
I think this could add a lot of utility for ESM users who want to do fast-running coupled simulations, and sub in and out fixed / dynamic model components.
(Aidan Heerdegen, ACCESS-NRI Release Team Lead)
What is the motivation to use MOM5 rather than just using MOM6?
I guess the motivation is to keep the capability of the faster running version of ACCESS-ESM, but to make it easier to switch between fully coupled and ocean-only or atmos-only versions.
If ESM3 becomes the “fast and flexible” version then that would help to motivate switching to MOM6.
Legacy models appeal to us paleoclimate people for speed and ease of workflow.