There is no TWG meeting on the 3rd July due to OMO workshop. Next Meeting will be 17th July.
The next TWG meeting is on Wednesday (17th July). Zoom details are at the top of this thread.
- New Grids for ACCESS-OM3
- MOM6 configuration and science testing
- Diagnostic/history filenames
- MOM6 default parameter changes
- How/where to share model runs with WG
- CMIP7 deliverables update
Feel free to add anything else to the agenda.
The next TWG meeting is on tomorrow (Wednesday 7th August) at 11am. Zoom details are at the top of this thread.
- New grids with initial conditions for ACCESS-OM3
- CICE C-grid configuration
- Configuration branch naming
- Output file naming
Feel free to add anything else to the agenda
The next TWG meeting is on Wednesday (21st August) at 11am.
We will go around the group to share issues and topics we are working on.
There is a new zoom link
Zoom Meeting ID: 881 5048 6976, Password: 123456
No meeting next week due to ACCESS-NRI Workshop. Next meeting on 18th September per regular scheduling!
The next meeting is on tomorrow (18 September) at 11am
On the agenda is:
- Update from Clivar / COMMODORE Meeting
- Progress update on Tracer Timestep for OM3
- Progress updated on new grid/ic/bathymetry for OM3
- OM3 evaluation strategy
Zoom details: Join Zoom Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID: 881 5048 6976, Password: 123456
The next meeting is on tomorrow (2nd October) at 11am
On the agenda is:
- Truncation error output missing (Ezhil / Mingling)
- Progress update on Tracer Timestep for OM3
We will also go around the group to share issues and topics we are working on.
Zoom details: Join Zoom Meeting