Minutes for 2025, please set new posts to ‘Wiki’ for easier editing
TWG meeting - 15 Jan
Attendees: @helen, @anton, @cbull, @aekiss, @Minghangli, @KieranRicardo, @Martindix, @Angus-g, @PaulLeopardi
Landmask error:
Kieran has been running the CM3 prototype with the new 0.25 grids
Some points in Africa look like they should be land and are currently ocean
@aekiss will follow up, and mask out those cells.
Interesting that it only came up in CM3 and OM3 didn’t give an issue.
Kieren will try smoothing within the mediator for runoff.
Mom symmetric:
For mom6 regional , the recommendation is to use MOM “symmetric memory” but for access-om3 global modelling we haven’t been using this (NCAR is doing the same). In non-symmetric, all arrays are the same size but for symmetric the velocity arrays are one larger because they include all four edges for all cells (rather than just the typical north and east edges). The mom-ocean tests check that symmetric and non symmetric results are the same, and rotating domains give the same results. The halos for each “rank” are large enough that the missing cells (default 3 cells) for velocity won’t impact the results of any calculation.
Angus suggested that we could check the mom-ocean tests are testing the same parameters we are using for access-om3. In an overall sense, symmetric and non-symmetric should be bitwise identical.
@anton: will do a bfb test using mom_symmetric vs current for om3, with plan to turn on mom_symmetric.
@helen has raised an issue for the change
OM3-0.25 Project Board - check in on this. No updates/blockers from anyone
Anton has some fixes to the OM3 configuration to conserve run-off. See Runoff not conserved · Issue #231 · COSIMA/access-om3 · GitHub
Will use first order conservative remapping for moving from JRA grid to the ocean grid. Any new grids need to go to atleast 80 degrees south to capture all runoff.
To account for differing landmasks, Anton suggested just mapping any water in land cells to the nearest ocean cell. We noted the limitations of this, which include runoff isn’t moved to the mouth of any bay that is landmasked, it is just moved into the nearest ocean. There is also no spreading of run-off, we need to test if EPBL + vertical river mix is stable and sensible with this configuration. We will go ahead with the simplistic just mapping to nearest ocean cell, and see how the results look.
Pedro at UNSW has been inserting frozen runoff at depth in OM2 iceberg spreading projects
Speaker for the Community Symposium on Sea Ice Modelling
ACCESS has been invited to present, Andrew could say something for the last seven years? or maybe someone from CSIRO has more historical perspective.
@anton to ask how long is the talk and follow up
GitHub Desktop and GitKraken - @cbull
GitHub Desktop
Provides a clicky interface to cherry-pick commits, reorder commits, squash, create branches, commits etc
Also shows local changes and other git stuff
GitKraken does similar + shows history graphs
MOM6 testing on the access-nri branch
The automated testing errors are hard to follow for folks who are not the authors. In future, we should check that tests pass as they are committed.
These tests are failing on 2025.01 branch can be resolved when @dougiesquire / @ezhilsabareesh8 is back. Further details of outstanding issues here.
ACCESS-OM3 0.4.0 Release
New components versions - updated MOM6/CIC6 and CMEPS versions.
Andrew & Chris to review (details)
Chris is to start attending MOM6 developer moeetings, they are on fortnightly. And Dougie will resume attending as well.
Access-nri model transformation team will start working on a MOM6 GPU implementation. Led by @edoyango and @micael
@claireyung has put her work to track the MOM6 panAn/regional ice shelf model development (see issues for current status)
COSIMA training program
Starting soon, program is here:
Please let Chris know if there’s a particular session/topic you’d like to present on.
COSIMA talk upcoming (Thursday 13th Feb)
@minghangli present a brief introduction into the expt manager tool & save a more detailed tutorial at training program (23 May)
Need some content for the rest of the session (payu ?)
Andrew is Chair and Minghang in minutes for next TWG (29th Jan)