Summary from TWG meeting today - please correct and elaborate as needed.
Date: 2024-01-17
- Micael Oliveira @micael
- Ezhil Kannadasan @ezhilsabareesh8
- Siobhan O’Farrell @sofarrell
- Anton Steketee @anton
- Harshula Jayasuriya @harshula
- Dougie Squire @dougiesquire
- Andy Hogg @AndyHoggANU
- Andrew Kiss @aekiss
- Martin Dix @MartinDix
- Angus Gibson @angus-g
- profiling: runs hanging when CICE has >76 cores, apparently when reading from the mesh, even when IO is serial. Unlikely to use this many cores at 1 deg so capped profiling to max 76 CICE cores.
- will probably want to run MOM & CICE concurrently rather than sequentially, since MOM6 scales better than CICE6, and therefore give more cores to MOM6 than CICE6 - as was done in ACCESS-OM2.
- expect to have scaling plots to show next week
- AH: whether to run atm sequentially or concurrently depends on relative resolution of ocean and atm
- suggestions from Stefan (BOM) - eg turn on ice scattering and dissipation in wave model
- have 5 dissipation models and 2 scattering models - trying these out
- implications on what fields are passed from CICE → WW3
- but floe size not active in CICE6 yet - tried turning on - requires passing wave spectrum to CICE - this is happening but unsure what spectral types to transfer
- SO: will chat to @NoahDay & @lgbennetts about this; also there was a relevant presentation from Cecilia Bitz at MOSSI2022 [but not on the MOSSI youtube channel] re. dissipation option 4; definitely want to put spectrum into CICE6 but unclear whether full spectrum is needed
- EK: has confirmed the full spectrum (25 components) is getting through to CICE
- SO: will confirm if @NoahDay used floe size bins the same as current CICE defaults
- EK: for testing has set categories to 12 based on Noahs experience
- enabled floe size distribution output
- SO: not all WW3 options require FSD, some can work with default option (all floes the same notional size), but CICE would not interact with waves without FSD
- EK can also read in a netcdf FSD file
- SO: can generate internal spectrum within CICE
- Stefan also suggested disabling interpolation in time as not suitable with coupling; also not sure about Langmuir turbulence and non-breaking-wave induced mixing; currently turned on; also 11 parameters in MOM6 for that, following Shuo Li’s config
- AH: non-breaking wave mixing is controversial - unclear whether to use this
- SO: would also need to look into how it’s hooked into turbulence closure in MOM - check what the US teams are doing - will find contacts to follow up
- Spack v0.21 failed to compile parallelio with the netcdf version we are using - is it ok to pin to the old working version or should we use a newer one?
- MO: if versioning is truly semantic it should be fine
- AS: CICE6 says 2.5 & 2.6 are supported so 2.5.10 should be fine for CICE6
- openmpi symlinks bug raised last year - a patch now done but 4.1.7 won’t be released until late Q1 2024
- patch in mom6-cice6 config to turn on netcdf4 and parallel read/write - seems to improve performance; will be more significant with more cores
- when updated can also turn on parallelio for other components
- working with CICE people to improve netcdf error handling
- looking into wave-ice interaction with EK
- merging updates into ww3 configs
- might be a bug in ww3 history output
- MO: how long will it take NCI to install updated openmpi
- AS: will request from NCI helpdesk when released
- added coupling diagnostics - revealed unexpected things but sorted out - just misinterpretations
- coupling side of wombat ready to have somebody look at - will also ask NCAR people to look at it
- started porting wombat to generic tracers
- going on 3wks leave at start of Feb
- AH: CESM MOM6 workshop coming up - won’t be sending anyone in person but would be good to have a presentation to update people
- AK: overlaps with AMOS - presentations could be similar - I’ll share slides and welcome any input
- porting wombat to generic tracers - need to decide how to handle wombat versioning - eg @pearseb has updated to have ~25 tracers - will initially port the old version before updating - the old version system used include files but this isn’t working anymore - versioning a bit confusing
- proposal: 1st port old wombat to generic tracers, tag it, then update to Pearse’s version
- merging versions could be difficult - need to arrange a meeting
- want to share with NCAR before going on leave
CMIP timeline
- AH: will be a meeting at AMOS (lunchtime Tues) re. fast track v2 CMIP which might shed light on timelines
- AH: running candidate models ready for testing ideally by end of June 2024 but maybe as late as Dec
- AS: need to clarify what we are aiming at with OM3
- DS: high-level planning meeting sometime soon would be useful
- AH: broader meeting than TWG - include a few community folks
- AH: would be good to have an overview of what needs doing and a straw-man timeline
- MO, AS: good to have a task list and timeline eg gantt chart eg on github — see this topic to discuss
MO: creation of 1 or 2 repos for helper scripts/utils
- already have one (om3utils) but want it to be a tested, documented python package
- also need a place to dump scripts eg for reproducibility
- propose having both, and moving things between them as needed
- DS: can become unclear where to find things unless scope of each repo is clearly defined
- MO: want package to be useful and reuseable
- DS: don’t all scripts already meet that?
- MO: maybe not
- DS: a dump repo would need still need structure (subdirs), docs (READMEs) and code review as they need to be working, and should link git commit in metadata of output
- MO: agreed - call it om3-scripts
- DS: include environment.yaml to record the conda env
- DS: at some point we may want to bundle scripts into a python package
- MO: will move om3-utils repo to COSIMA org - should be reviewed
Next meeting
1-2pm Wed 31 Jan to avoid AMOS