Ocean Modelling and Observations Workshop 2024


This year we won’t be holding a standalone COSIMA workshop. Instead we will be joining with the coastal modelling community and more observational folks for a larger combined meeting. Put it in your calendars (2-4 July) and we’ll see you for some frosty Canberra weather.


Abstract submission is now open, submit here by 19 April:

It would be great to see the whole COSIMA community there. This workshop will be replacing our usual annual COSIMA workshop for 2024.

Also note there is a slight change in dates from the post above, it will be only 3 days over 2-4 July.


I went to submit an abstract and saw this:

Please attach your abstract as a word document.

Why this restriction? Why Word in particular? Can’t we submit as plain text or markdown or PDF?

No idea. The IMOS people are taking care of that side of things. You could try emailing Richard Saunders or Marian Wiltshire.

It’s OK. I’ll submit in Word. We have better issues fight for :). It just made me wonder…

@navidcy and anyone else - you can just upload a pdf. Worked for me.

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Good to know :slight_smile:

Where will the workshop take place? I am looking for accomodation atm and want to make sure it’s in walking distance.

Both the COSIMA hackathon and OMO will be in the Marie Reay Teaching Centre at ANU.


There’s more info on the workshop here 2024 Ocean Modelling and Observations Workshop: IMOS.org.au

Abstracts are due today (200 word limit).

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Is there any funding that potential attendees with no travel funds left can apply for? asking for a friend


Just to note that I have chatted to Polina about this case and we will try to work something out.

Anyone else who is not sure about funding, I suggest submit an abstract today anyway. Then let people (e.g. your supervisors, @edoddridge, @PSpence, @aekiss, myself, ACCESS-NRI etc) know if you are having funding issues and hopefully we can sort something out!


Both the COSIMA hackathon and OMO will be in the Marie Reay Teaching Centre at ANU.

Thank you, that’s rather useful information.

Yikes! Both houses are sitting.

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They can join the Hackathon then.

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Shouldn’t be too big of a problem. I was listening in when the Parliament was in session last year during the ACCESS-NRI workshop and both chambers were 75% empty :sweat_smile:

… until the division bells ring and then they all have 4 minutes to get to the chamber. :running_woman:

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Is the cost to attend the OMO workshop $200?

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Yes, that’s the registration fee.

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