Welcome back from the summer break!
Our first meeting for the year is on tomorrow (Thursday 6 February) at 1130
This week we’ll hear from Claire Yung (ANU) who will be presenting on “ISOMIP+: An international ice shelf - ocean model intercomparison effort”.
Other business:
- We are initiating a regular ~quarterly discussion of some important topics for the COSIMA community
- COSIMA ethics discussion with reference to COSIMA Principles (@everyone)
- COSIMA project spreadsheet - what it is and why you should use it (@everyone)
- COSIMA co-authorship principles (@everyone)
- PhD Internship in Ocean Climate Model Innovation at ACCESS-NRI (ANU students only)
- Summary of Technical Working Group meeting (@aekiss )
Do you have anything to add to the agenda? Let me know.
As always, the meeting will start at 1130.
Please click this URL to start or join: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 82678917036