COSIMA Working Group Announce

Hello COSIMA :wave:

No meeting this week due to the public holiday in Hobart.


Hello COSIMA :wave:

Our next meeting is on tomorrow (Thursday 31 October) at 1130 :white_check_mark:

This week we’ll hear from Lizzie Ellison (ANU) who will be presenting on the topic “How does resolving mesoscale features in the Southern Ocean (SO) impact biogeochemical tracer advection?”.

Other business:

  • Technical Working Group summary ( @minghangli )
  • ACCESS-NRI ocean modelling survey: steering future development for users (@cbull ) Survey: LINK. Forum discussion: LINK
  • Brian Arbic seminar “Global Ocean Internal Gravity Wave Modeling: A Frontier Science Problem with Applications for Satellite Missions, Ocean Mixing, and More
    Friday 1 November, 1100
    online with nodes at the CCRC Seminar Room, UNSW and the IMAS Board Room, UTAS.
    Launch Meeting - Zoom

Do you have anything to add to the agenda? Let me know.

As always, the meeting will start at 1130.

Please click this URL to start or join: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 82678917036


Hello COSIMA :wave:

In the Ocean Team at ACCESS-NRI, we’re in the process of thinking about our priorities and would like to know where our resources best enable the community. With this in mind, we’ve created a user survey. Please complete the survey if you would like to give input.

Please complete by 8th November. Note that all questions are optional and you can be anonymous if you wish. We particularly encourage responses from ECRs and people from less represented communities/demographics. This survey is open to anyone with an interest in ACCESS-NRI ocean modelling configurations – feel free to share it.

If you’d like some more background, from this morning’s COSIMA meeting:
2024.10.31_ACCESS-NRI OceanTeam Overview.pptx (2.2 MB)

We’ll be having a workshop 12-15th November, 2024 to discuss the survey and future directions. Get in touch if you are interested in participating.

Got survey questions? Pop them on the forum here


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Hello COSIMA :wave:

No meeting next week due to the CLEX / Weather of the 21st Century workshop :x:

We’ll be back on 14 November.


Hello COSIMA :wave:

Our next meeting is on tomorrow (Thursday 14 November) at 1130 :white_check_mark:

This week we’ll hear from Matt Harrison (GFDL) who will be presenting on the topic “Improved Surface Mass Balance Closure in Ocean Hindcast Simulations (aka: How to run ocean models without salinity restoring)”.

Matt will explain a new method to eliminate the use of surface salinity restoring in ocean models. It may be adopted as standard in the next OMIP and we would like to explore implementing this alternate method in ACCESS-OM3.

Other business:

Do you have anything to add to the agenda? Let me know.

As always, the meeting will start at 1130.

Please click this URL to start or join: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 82678917036


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Hi all!

We are starting filming for the COSIMA promotional movie today at Hobart!

A lot of people are at the ECR day for the Antarctic Conference.

We need your help!!

At 3.15-3.45 we need to film the final scene of the promotional movie. We want everyone who are COSIMA related (even slightly!) please

meet outside the ECR Conference,

at 1 Elizabeth Street Pier, Hobart;

The last scene involves everyone calling out, in a corny unison, “Welcome to COSIMA!!


Hello COSIMA :wave:

No meeting today due to the Australian Antarctic Research Conference :x:

We’ll be back on 28 November.


Hello COSIMA :wave:

Our next meeting is on tomorrow (Thursday 28 November) at 1130 :white_check_mark:

This week we’ll hear from Denisse Fierro Arcos (UTAS) who will be presenting on the topic “Using ACCESS-OM2-01 to estimate the distribution of crabeater seals in East Antarctica”.

Come along and learn about some of the ecological applications of OM2 output.

Other business:

Do you have anything to add to the agenda? Let me know.

As always, the meeting will start at 1130.

Please click this URL to start or join: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 82678917036


Another thing for the agenda - can everyone please check this list and let me know if it’s missing any published (not submitted or preprint) papers that use ACCESS-OM2 models or data (at any resolution).

Hello COSIMA :wave:

Our next meeting is on tomorrow (Thursday 5 December) at 1130 :white_check_mark:

This week we’ll hear from Zhi Li (UNSW) who will be presenting on the topic “Revisiting proxy evidence for a weakening Atlantic meridional overturning circulation”.

Other business:

Do you have anything to add to the agenda? Let me know.

As always, the meeting will start at 1130.

Please click this URL to start or join: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 82678917036


ACCESS-NRI COSIMA 2025 training program

Based on user feedback for more training, we’re currently in the process of designing a new user training program. We need your input!

* A* first draft training program is here.

We’re conducting a user poll to see if there are specific sessions of interest. Please answer the following question:

What skills and tools would you like to see covered in an ACCESS-NRI COSIMA training program?

Enter your answer here by 10am tomorrow please.

This program will be much richer with community input! We are especially interested to hear from community members that would be able to help facilitate a session, if this is the case, please put your “name; email address” in your suggestion, e.g., "Running and understanding key diagnostics in WOMBAT-lite (Pearse Buchanan; Similarly, help is also appreciated for existing proposed sessions, especially from ECRs, please contact Chris Bull ( if you’d like to pitch in.

At the next COSIMA meeting (12/12) we’ll poll on the suggested sessions to finalise the program. Please come along on Thursday if you’d like to participate in the program, available sessions will be based on interest.

Further details and forum discussion here

Hello COSIMA :wave:

Our final meeting for the year is on tomorrow (Thursday 12 December) at 1130 :white_check_mark:

This week we’ll hear from John Reilly (UTAS) who will be presenting on “The search for added value from regional modelling at higher resolution”.

Other business:

Do you have anything to add to the agenda? Let me know.

As always, the meeting will start at 1130.

Please click this URL to start or join: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 82678917036


Re: ACCESS-NRI COSIMA 2025 training program

Following from today’s COSIMA meeting we’re polling on suggested sessions for the training program (draft schedule).

Please complete the following poll by December 19th.

The program is a live document! Help is very welcome for existing or new sessions, please contact Chris Bull ( or post on the forum if you’d like to help out.

Career opportunity: PhD Internship in Ocean Climate Model Innovation at ACCESS-NRI (ANU students only).

We have an exciting opportunity for a PhD internship as a Research Software Engineer in the ACCESS-NRI ocean modelling team starting ~April 2025. This current call is only for graduate students at the Australian National University (ANU) while we work out all the program details (and administration), but we’re working on making sure all future calls are open to students across all the ACCESS partner universities at minimum.

This project could be a great fit for any graduate students with experience in ocean climate modelling and who are interested in contributing to ACCESS-OM3 development (evaluation, configuration development, new features etc).

Deadline for application is February 20th 2025.

Note: where eligible, extensions to a candidate’s PhD duration mean that timelines will be unaffected.

A full position description and how to apply instructions here.

Happy new year everyone! No COSIMA meeting today, but Felipe is giving a talk at 9:30 this morning and is interested in input from the COSIMA community:

When: 09:30am 23rd January
Where: Aurora Lecture Theatre and Launch Meeting - Zoom
Title: Dynamical Oceanography of a Standing Meander in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Abstract: The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) is forced at the ocean surface by heat, freshwater fluxes, and westerly winds. The flow meanders to conserve potential vorticity as a response to changes in bathymetry along the ACC’s path. The standing meanders interrupt the mainly eastward ACC flow and these meanders host regions of elevated eddy variability, meridional heat transport, and ventilation. This thesis investigates the Macquarie Meander that lies between the Southeast Indian Ridge and Macquarie Fault Zone south of Australia. We examine the impacts of this meander on water mass properties and velocity along the Polar Front, spatial variability, air-sea interaction, and subduction. In a nutshell, this thesis includes analyses of the: (i) spatial variability of ACC fronts south of Australia, (ii) vertical structure of temperature and velocity along the Macquarie Meander, (iii) air-sea interaction, vertical velocity, and subduction at this meander, and (iv) mean and eddy-induced subduction throughout the Southern Ocean.

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FYI: International Workshop on Mid-latitude Atmosphere-Ocean-Ecosystem Interactions: Processes, Predictability, and Habitability

Dates: 16-18 July, 2025

Location: Fukuoka, Japan

This three-day international workshop will explore mid-latitude atmosphere-ocean-ecosystem interactions through interdisciplinary discussions and foster collaborations to advance knowledge on processes, predictability, and habitability of mid-latitude oceans and climate. It will feature plenary talks by more than 10 invited international speakers, as well as poster sessions by students and early-career researchers. Participants will enjoy receptions and excursions to facilitate exchange of scientific knowledge in an informal and friendly environment filled with Omotenashi – the art of Japanese hospitality. Strategically held in Fukuoka, the venue offers convenient access to Busan, where BACO-25 will take place on July 20-25. Please submit your abstract by March 31. There is travel support for a few eligible students and early-career researchers. For more information, visit our website at

Hi folks, here’s a seminar on Thursday that may be of interest:

Anna Wåhlin (University of Gothenburg): Swirls and scoops - Ice-base melt revealed by multibeam imagery of an Antarctic ice shelf


…and @ashjbarnes’s seminar 4pm tomorrow:

Oceanography’s “Dark Energy” problem: Internal wave driven diapycnal mixing

Ashley Barnes – PhD exit seminar

Tuesday, 4th February at 4:00 pm
Zoom: 606 666 0101, password: jaeger


Hello COSIMA :wave:

Welcome back from the summer break! :sunny::surfing_man::ocean:

Our first meeting for the year is on tomorrow (Thursday 6 February) at 1130 :white_check_mark:

This week we’ll hear from Claire Yung (ANU) who will be presenting on “ISOMIP+: An international ice shelf - ocean model intercomparison effort”.

Other business:

Do you have anything to add to the agenda? Let me know.

As always, the meeting will start at 1130.

Please click this URL to start or join: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 82678917036


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