COSIMA Working Group Announce

Hello COSIMA :wave:

Our next meeting is on tomorrow (Thursday 31 October) at 1130 :white_check_mark:

This week we’ll hear from Lizzie Ellison (ANU) who will be presenting on the topic “How does resolving mesoscale features in the Southern Ocean (SO) impact biogeochemical tracer advection?”.

Other business:

  • Technical Working Group summary ( @minghangli )
  • ACCESS-NRI ocean modelling survey: steering future development for users (@cbull ) Survey: LINK. Forum discussion: LINK
  • Brian Arbic seminar “Global Ocean Internal Gravity Wave Modeling: A Frontier Science Problem with Applications for Satellite Missions, Ocean Mixing, and More
    Friday 1 November, 1100
    online with nodes at the CCRC Seminar Room, UNSW and the IMAS Board Room, UTAS.
    Launch Meeting - Zoom

Do you have anything to add to the agenda? Let me know.

As always, the meeting will start at 1130.

Please click this URL to start or join: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 82678917036
