Our next meeting is on tomorrow (Thursday 28 November) at 1130
This week we’ll hear from Denisse Fierro Arcos (UTAS) who will be presenting on the topic “Using ACCESS-OM2-01 to estimate the distribution of crabeater seals in East Antarctica”.
Come along and learn about some of the ecological applications of OM2 output.
Other business:
- Australian Antarctic Research Conference 2024 debrief (@everyone)
- Results: ACCESS-NRI ocean modelling survey: steering future development for users) (@cbull )
- Demo: anonymous questions on the Hive Forum how to post anonymously & Anonymous Questions thread (@cbull)
Do you have anything to add to the agenda? Let me know.
As always, the meeting will start at 1130.
Please click this URL to start or join: Launch Meeting - Zoom
Zoom Meeting ID: 82678917036