COSIMA Working Group Announce

:ocean: ACCESS-NRI COSIMA 2025 Training Program

We’re super excited to kick off our second ACCESS-NRI COSIMA 2025 training session!

Session 2: How to use COSIMA Cookbook and Recipes

:disguised_face: Presenters: Andy Hogg (@AndyHoggANU), Charles Turner (@CharlesTurner)
:alarm_clock: When: 11am 7 Mar. 2025 (Friday)
:house: Where: Zoom

:teacher: Description: This session is an introduction to COSIMA Cookbook or COSIMA recipes, and how to make it go, by efficient loading of data… In this session, we’ll take a look at the key parts of getting started with COSIMA recipes and how to make loading datasets faster and more effective for analysis…

  1. We will start with a brief history and overview of the COSIMA-cookbook and COSIMA-recipes.
  2. Then deep dive into the tutorial notebooks to find what COSIMA recipes can help you with.

:open_book: Training Materials

Please complete these steps before the session:

  1. Get account on NCI, also see this help
  2. Join your own NCI project and then hh5, xp65, ik11, cj50, oi10. Find the project here and join it (see Join tab). Also see this help
  3. Notebooks (clone these): git clone


  1. ARE: You will need a large (or bigger) ARE instance, with storage for the memberships above: eg. gdata/hh5+gdata/xp65+gdata/ik11+gdata/cj50+gdata/oi10. See attached screenshot for setup.
  2. Slides: forum link

:yellow_heart: Who should come : Anyone who wants to learn more about COSIMA cookbook and recipes.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Upcoming Session Next Friday 2025-03-20T13:00:00Z :next_track:!

Topic - How to run ACCESS-OM2 model
Presenters - @helen @cbull

Please stay tuned to this topic for more details that will be posted next week!

:date: Interested in full program schedule - Click here for the full program.

Help please :raising_hand:!

The program will be all the richer with community input, and maybe a starting point for new collaborations… Perhaps some of you have an interest in demonstrating or showing off one of your favorite tools, models or analysis?

Examples might include: WW3, panantarctic configs, MOM6 idealised modelling, Oceananigans, regional modelling, evaluation to observations, novel OM2 diagnostics, running isomip+ mom6 etc…

The only criteria is that you think it’s of value to the community. Please get in touch with and, or post on the forum.