ACCESS-NRI allocates compute and storage resources to the Working Groups to use to support their activities.
Currently those resources consist of computational resources (KSUs) and storage (/g/data
allocations) on NCI HPC systems. These are allocated through the au88 project , so you must join it to be able to access them.
The process for allocating resources amongst working groups is approach through ACCESS-NRI ACCESS-NRI governance structures. The Cryosphere Modelling Working Group has been allocated 2.5MSU each quarter. There will some scope to get some disk allocation to facilitate sharing data from shared experiments - watch this space.
Proposal for distributing resources
As per the Earth Systems Modelling Working Group model, we propose the following model for allocating these resources amongst the Cryo Working Group community that prioritises the needs of the community, is fair and not onerous.
Create a topic with a brief outline of the proposed experiment (see example ). Other members of the community who want to collaborate, or use the results of the experiment, or otherwise think it worth prioritising should reply indicating their support. The topic is where discussions should occur around how the experiment is configured, how it might be shared etc.
Requirements for anyone who is allocated working group resources for an experiment:
- Engage in good-faith collaboration to align with community requirements, e.g. save output diagnostics required by others
- Report back to the community: update their experiment topic with results including sufficient meta-data to enable others in the community to use their results, and communicate this at the next appropriate WG meeting
- Make data from experiments available to other members of the community (this could be facilitated by ACCESS-NRI if shared storage is not available)
- Must use an ACCESS model
- Should be Cryo related
Allocations will be determined by the Working Group Chairs and Official ACCESS-NRI Liaison (to avoid conflict of interests). If there is more demand than resources available prioritisation will be done based on:
- Shared interest: the more people who indicate interest in using the experiment the better
- Early career researchers and/or those without compute resources such that the experiment could not be run without these resources
- Ability to use the allocated resources (time is short, if the experiment isn’t already configured and ready to go, or already running, there is probably not time to get it working)
Start requesting Cryo group!