Back in 2018 I saved 26TB of 3d daily salt, temp, u and v data from 01deg_jra55v13_iaf here /g/data/rr6/cosima/access-om2-01/01deg_jra55v13_iaf
and it’s time to think about whether we still need it.
This was from the original 0.1° ACCESS-OM2-01 IAF run, as published in the model release paper (Kiss et al., 2020) and is now obsolete (if you want 3d daily salt, temp, u and v you should use the newer output here instead: /g/data/cj50/access-om2/raw-output/access-om2-01/01deg_jra55v140_iaf).
If you have a good reason we shouldn’t delete /g/data/rr6/cosima/access-om2-01/01deg_jra55v13_iaf, let me know ASAP!
I would raise it there. Perhaps in two different meetings. I’d put an “ultimatum” e.g. something like “this data is going to be deleted on DD-MM-YYYY unless we hear someone having good reasons not to” and allow 2-3 weeks before rm -rf ...?