ESM working group: Meeting notes 2023 (Archived)

Date: 28/09/2023

Participants: 18

Chair: @eunpalim


@dkhutch could do a talk in November. @jemmajeffree could also do a talk in November. CLEX Workshop 20-24 of November, so need to check if we have a meeting on 23rd.

Shared experiments

@eunpalim when is next SAC meeting? Need approval for ACCESS-S experiment.

@gpontes asked about total compute: 875KSU / quarter, maybe more if others can’t utilise all the time, and this might still be revised upwards depending on NCRIS funding announcements.

50TB of /g/data space for the ESM Working group. Hard to know when this will be available. Again depends on NCRIS funding announcements.

@Dietmar_Dommenget priority should be focus on ideas that push ACCESS models forward. But lacking expertise to develop models. Without support to develop there is no need for compute time and or disk space. Researchers don’t have technical capability. Land-sea mask changes still not possible. Took one week with GFDL model.

@dkhutch still can’t manage large changes.

Needs an engineer to sit with a researcher, fix their issue and take this approach and make it general.

@Aidan to progress this internally. @dkhutch happy to write a proposal document outlining what is required, what has been achieved and what still needs to be done.

Working Group Day

Thanks to @wghuneke for organising, and @dkhutch for participating on Workshop planning.

Everyone can please read the notes. Reply with thoughts on action items:

Maybe if other working groups have main meetings outside of workshop, it might be a good time for ESM WG as everyone is already there.

@eunpalim successful just from a networking experience, got to meet everyone and know who everyone is. Very enjoyable.

Working group photos are here:

Forum overview and questions

@Aidan gave a quick overview of using the forum and emphasised that everyone should join the ESM Working Group.

Could benefit from some categories for each model setup as they use quite different infrastructure. Would benefit from a category for ESM and CM. Maybe also worth having a Paleoclimate category.

What’s going on?

Thank you for submitting abstracts for AMOS. Should we have an ESM Working Group dinner?

@HIMADRI_SAINI has an experiment would like to run. Maybe not interesting for the whole community. Would be happy to burn unused time. Guidelines for use are available on the forum

@wghuneke planning on running CM2-025 with changed bathymetry and some other fixes. 500 year present day control run planned. Will do a pre-industrial control run next year. 12.5KSU/yr. Still using eddy parameterisation in ocean model. @sofarrell NEMO uses latitude dependent Halberg parameterisation HadGEM3-GC5 uses this in its 1/4 degree version and its available in MOM6.

@gpontes Discussed control runs during working group day. PI vs present day. @wghuneke interested in both: present day can compare to obs to introduce model. PI to do sensitivity experiments. @gpontes observations may already be under some transient forcing. Comparison with present day runs may not be a clear comparison.

@sofarrell tend to use PI at CSIRO. Only in the last year or so has present-day controls been used more often. UKMO tend to tune up with present day. PI controls have a very strong cold start in first few hundred years. Took 500 years to reach starting global temperature. Maybe due to top of atmosphere and deep ocean heat uptake. Also made changes during early part of CM2 runs, and used Jules initially before switching to CABLE. ACCESS1-0/1-3 faster to spin up, ACCESS ESM PI-control came from much longer spin up as the carbon pools needed to be stabilised as well. The published CMIP6CM2 and ESM PI controls start after they have stabilized.

This is a wiki post , if you want to update any of the details in these meeting notes, or to add your own recollection of what was discussed then edit me