ESM working group: Meeting notes 2023 (Archived)

Date: 25/05/2023

Participants: 16

Chair: @ShayneM


Decided on fortnightly alternating 1pm/3pm until @tiloz returns. Include a science talk to stimulate discussion. Email Co-chairs or @Aidan if you want to talk, include a timeframe for when you would like to talk.

VC: Zoom is ok for BoM, so continue

Some issue with ESM Calendar (1pm meetings missing) @Aidan fixed.


@dkhutch and @ShayneM said they would be happy to help with Program Committee, and @LaurieM would step in if required.

Need to know if people who attend this meeting would attend an ESM WG satellite meeting of the Workshop, or attend one of the other WG meetings as there is significant overlap.

Once timing is settled could use a poll on the hive for working group: who will attend WG day?

What’s going on?

Who is running what? Need a place to put details of existing runs. Need knowledge of what has already been run as context for distributing resources.

Ariaan has freshwater perturbation runs for southern freshwater initiative. Used ACCESS-ESM1.5. PI-control perturbation. Planning similar runs ensemble with different spatial distribution. Previous ensemble was 5x100 years. BGC output is potentially interesting to others (Laurie). problem is resources for someone to analyse the data. Also depends on size of perturbation. Need to perturb physics enough: 0.1 Sv so might be detectable. 1 degree BGC isn’t huge in terms of extra resources.

@LaurieM: Also looked into making more use of 2 carbon tracers. Radiative forcing fixing co2 to 284, also interactive CO2 tracer, atmospheric tracer reacting to carbon cycle. Will do interactive CO2 for glacial experiments. Could include this tracer in freshwater perturbations.

@tiloz: currently doing LESFMIP runs. Extension of AMIP but focussing on large ensembles. Will be published on ESGF. Quite a number of runs, good to have feedback from community on which experiments to do first. Currently only looking at tier 1 runs, but could do others if strong interest. Currently doing 7 runs: historical period, volcanic forcing only, land use change only, ozone forcing. solar forcing only. Currently have 10 ensemble for each. Aiming for 40 gradually. Can prioritise which to do first. Total ozone forcing. Different to the DAMIP? Should be AMIP protocol. Runs under CSIRO. Will do this gradually when compute time is available. Happy to share location of data.

@dkhutch: wanting to use ACCESS-ESM1.5 to do miocene/eocene experiments. Dietmar and Abhik have similar goal. Having trouble changing properties such as land/sea mask, vegetation and boundary conditions. They asked for GFDL CM2.1 as interim step. Will make a user story on the forum how that was done, serve as a template for ACCESS-ESM1.5 process.

@paulleopardi: looking at ancillary data for ACCESS. Would like to have your use case.

@jbrown: David implementing PMIP or DMIP? MioMIP 15MYA. Needs extensive changes to all boundary conditions. Want to do for pliocene, but seemed too hard. Have to do something similar for glacial experiments. Dramatically perturb boundary conditions. Some experience in Dietmar’s group. Have simulations with inactive land surface (proscribed land surface). Might have some useful experience. Dietmar has been able to move some land masses in N48 with slab ocean. Need to extract that information.

@atteggiani working with @Dietmar_Dommenget and @abhik on ancillaries and land/sea mask. Move mask ok, but need sensible vegetation for land types. Get in contact with @atteggiani.

@MartinDix and @atteggiani will be talking next meeting about the progress with ancillary tools.

@LaurieM did change veg cover with last inter-glacial. Confident can do again.

@RachelLaw: mapping out model dev pathways we might take for CMIP7. Could discuss at another meeting. @Aidan adding this to next meeting agenda.

Do we need to prepare or plan for CMIP7 discussion? Thinking about who is working on what and possible development pathways.

Will become a Hive thread after some consultation. Important to understand bottlenecks and where to prioritise effort. Different pathways could take, which one dependent on smoothly technical dev proceeds, evaluation of performance, drop back to fallback position.

Shared Experiments

lg87 is project for ESM WG. 1.25MSU/quarter. Want good cutting edge experiments, enhance science, more people interested the better.

Have a month to do something with the resources.

Aidan made resource allocation guidelines and example proposal on Hive (posted links in chat).

Use it or lose it.

Science talk

Tilo Ziehn: Implications of net-zero emissions at different global warming levels. ACCESS-ESM1.5 millennium length simulations.

This is a wiki post , if you want to update any of the details in these meeting notes, or to add your own recollection of what was discussed then edit me